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  1. Evoex

    Those politicians….

    Something else I just considered today. The Supply & Confidence agreement the NDP had with the Liberals was to last until June 2025. So by reneging on that (for no good/obvious reason other than to create distance from the government) he's just proven to voters that his word isn't worth much...
  2. Evoex

    Those politicians….

    You say that but scuttlebutt is the unions are not ruling out a Cons backing.
  3. Evoex

    Honda Files Trademark for CBR400R Four

    Dunno. Zx4rr is like twice the price of a ninja 400. Seems like easy money
  4. Evoex

    Honda Files Trademark for CBR400R Four

    Expect to get a gutted version (similar to the zixxer4r)
  5. Evoex

    Honda Files Trademark for CBR400R Four

    Quel surprise.
  6. Evoex

    Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

    Book of Eli, Denzel is always a good watch.
  7. Evoex

    Those politicians….

    Yeah, I suspect its all a ploy to attempt to upset the apple cart. He's polling even worse than Justin, but there are 2? By-elections about to go down. I will probably get the opportunity to be proven correct shortly as the Cons will almost certainly introduce a basic non-confidence motion in...
  8. Evoex

    What are you reading?

    Lucifers Hammer - classic sci fi Ronin Books 1 & 2 - Enjoyed the show, enjoying the books
  9. Evoex

    2024 GTA Photo Tag!

    I didn't spend a second looking it up. Just need to jump on every opportunity to stick it to @Lightcycle while he's local. 🫣
  10. Evoex

    2024 GTA Photo Tag!

    what the hell is this.
  11. Evoex

    Moto Social events

    Yes @GoldieTiger took videos. She's not on the forums much tho.
  12. Evoex

    Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

    Even Ken won't touch the V4 lineup. 🫣
  13. Evoex

    2024 Weekly BurgeRR Meetup - Wednesdays @7PM

    Closure! Back on topic 🙂
  14. Evoex

    2024 Weekly BurgeRR Meetup - Wednesdays @7PM

    i dunno about that...
  15. Evoex

    2024 Weekly BurgeRR Meetup - Wednesdays @7PM

    @mimico_polak you missed some tasty Empanadas, ask @Wind Shear
  16. Evoex

    2024 Weekly BurgeRR Meetup - Wednesdays @7PM

    cops are there now, btw. ;)
  17. Evoex

    2024 Weekly BurgeRR Meetup - Wednesdays @7PM
  18. Evoex

    2024 Weekly BurgeRR Meetup - Wednesdays @7PM

    the video? But in looking at it, it does look like he *might* have come down from a wheelie. Would need a better angle to confirm.
  19. Evoex

    2024 Weekly BurgeRR Meetup - Wednesdays @7PM

    I have the video, it wasn't a wheelie. Female rider slowed down and guy behind her crashed into her.

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