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  1. K

    2019 Renewal - Increase? Allstate? Is this a joke?

    How are the rates of car and home? I found this bundling tactic lowers one policy but others are less competitive
  2. K

    Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

    Ouch, I wouldn't go that far. These are hard to come by in good condition
  3. K

    Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

    I think this qualifies Please view this ad: 2001 Honda Fireblade 929rr, Price: $ 5,000...
  4. K

    Sellers unwilling to sell their bikes certified.. frustrating

    This is crazy, has happened for multiple bikes now, I'm offering the seller their asking price for their "mint" bikes with a caveat that it needs to come with a safety certificate and multiple deals have fallen through because of this. So tell me what is going wrong here, are the bikes not...
  5. K

    Double the mileage = half the price?

    All other things equal, are two identical bikes one with half the mileage of the other is it worth half as much? Say 30k vs 60k km?
  6. K

    Which bike is easier to resell?

    Looking at picking up a bike to do my M2 exit this summer, not in a position to buy my dream bike so it'll have to be something cheaper and I'll likely sell end of season or next season. With that said I'm looking at ninja 250/300 or something like an older 600 CBR f4i. I kind of know the answer...
  7. K

    Get M2 sooner than later?

    Hi, New to motorcycles, hoping to take the course right now or in the spring. I am wondering if it would make sense to take the course now and have the M2 licence over the winter for longer or should I just wait till spring? Will having the M2 for 6 month give me better rates when it comes time...

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