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  1. Houghtonator

    410 Sandlewood Southbound

    Just drove by it(20:05). Looked like a R4. OPP and ambulance on scene. Ramp closed, looked like they went over the guard rail. Was on stretcher as I was driving by didn't look good.
  2. Houghtonator

    Looking for a Friend of mine used to work with

    Anyone in the Heartland area ever ride or still ride with Rosario Tommasi? We worked at Topline printing together. I know he used to have a track bike. Anyone know him????
  3. Houghtonator

    What did you study/what are you doing now?

    Joined the army...did a couple tours. Officer advice" You're too smart to be jumping out of perfectly working airplanes. Why don't you get a civi job" Went to school finished logistics designation. Been potatin' ever since..
  4. Houghtonator

    Wear your gear. And don't cry to mommy.

    you know what they say:

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