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  1. A

    odd transmission situation

    so i got a 87 fz750 and i was riding it to school this moring, but when downshifting between 3rd and 2ed. the rpm droped to idel (as if it were in neutral but it was not) then without touching anything the back tire locked up as if it caught 2ed. It was a unexpected suprise but what does this...
  2. A

    idel to 5000rpm ignition problem

    My 1987 FZ750 is having a very interesting ignition problem, now first off let me explain the formation of my engine to my ignition coils. lets assume my enings piston are in order from left to right 1,2,3,4 and igniton coil on the left we will call igiton coil A, which feeds spark to cylinders...
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    1987 fz750 running issues

    STILL on going problem, i cleaned out the carb's completly and still same problem so i began to thing maybe that the Timing was off but this bike does not have a distributer but a pick up coil assemble which i belive to be the equvilant to a cam shaft postioning sensour on modern fuel injected...

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