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  1. H

    McGyver'in some side racks

    Adapting a set to an Fjr1300 in progress , see the bottom mount.. Factory bags was stolen by a crack head, buddy wanted to use these huge adventure ones.. Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using mobile app
  2. H

    McGyver'in some side racks

    Crappy pic but here is a scratch built set in stainless , I did use the same mounts you have, note the bottom mount goes to the rear peg, exhaust mount Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using mobile app
  3. H

    McGyver'in some side racks

    The third point of contact is often the footpeg or exhaust mount.. I have built a couple sets from scratch, and also modify a set for different bikes.. Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using mobile app
  4. H

    Where did the oil go?

    Heard of this happening recently on a current track zx-10 after an off.... Sent from my Pixel 5 using mobile app
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    Jordan Szoke - press release

    Good enough to be the fastest in preseason testing. Sent from my Pixel 5 using mobile app
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    Lithium Polymer (LIPO) Batteries Banned

    What about onboard cameras used by production? What powers them? Sent from my Pixel 5 using mobile app
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    Selling a bike with a lien

    That's how I did it when I bought one 25 years ago,.. Sent from my Pixel 5 using mobile app
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    Szoke out for the season? GoFundMe for Jordan Sent from my Pixel 5 using mobile app
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    2005 ZX10R Front End Diagnosis

    Any chance the forks are not as far down in the in the triples as possible?.. The compression of the forks during braking changes the geometry and aggravates existing problems ... Sent from my Pixel 5 using mobile app
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    (solved) removing rounded torx head screw

    I would use a cut off wheel on my grinder to get most the washer out of the way.... I would then use a pipe wrench on the bolt head.. Possibly wack the handle of the pipe wrench with a hammer... I have a small pipe wrench with very sharp teeth I try to reserve for tasks like this.. I think it 6...
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    Welding Question Cast Iron to Steel

    I would braze it personally..
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    Spectators at CSBK Calabogie

    Is the PA system any good? Is there track radio? Is there space in the spectators area for 10 ft pop up canopy? Thanks, never been there before.
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    Anyone got a drill press I could use?

    Im in Guelph, could I see a pic of what yr trying to drill out?
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    cutting a windshield

    I cut mine on my metal cutting band saw, using the bolt on table that came within it.. Then sanded the edge working down to 1000 water paper..
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    What did you do in your garage today..?

    As I bought it in a basement with old narrow stairs
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    What did you do in your garage today..?

    Carried this out of a basement this morning and started putting it back together.
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    What did you do in your garage today..?

    Yesterday I test road my fjr1300 for the first time, after getting it back from the transmission recall... No issue
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    What did you do in your garage today..?

    Nice I uses a Nalgene bottle for that..
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    Attn. FJR owners... (and some other models)

    Dealer has the parts ordered, they aren't sure when they will arrive..
  20. H

    Attn. FJR owners... (and some other models)

    I guess we will get a free oil change too..
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