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  1. O

    Downtown Workday Parking

    Yonge and front is under construction so that street parking is unavailable. Simcoe and King is always full of bikes by the time I get there. I'm essentially at bay and Wellington and struggling to find street (free) parking. Anyone have an idea?
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    Importing a Motorcycle from US to Canada (transaction dilemma)

    Here's my experience . I transferred a small deposit to the seller before heading down to pick up the bike in order to get a copy of title. There has to be some trust between buyer and seller...
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    Stolen motorcycle, reward to finder. (04 ZX636 Silver, spitfire paint job)

    This is soo close to me. I'm in a condo as well. Did you have a disc lock or alarm on the bike? I'm assuming most of these thefts occur overnight?
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    Ducati Owners, Haven't you had the abs light problem

    Yea, it comes on for startup and stays on. I tested it and the abs is really disabled as the light indicates. Interesting you mention this. I just saw this reddit posting today and learnt soo much, lol
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    Has anyone else "given up" commuting on their motorcycle?

    I use to commute downtown and I'd take the HOV lanes. Soo much faster then TTC. For example if you're going up or down the dvp during rush hour i'd suggest taking don mills using it's HOV lane. I'd hop onto the DVP where don mills ends and the it would be clear roads from there to richmond. One...
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    Ducati Owners, Haven't you had the abs light problem

    Hey, I was wondering if any ducati owners have had the abs light come on (when the light is on it means ABS is disabled, it's suppose to go off [abs enabled] after 5km/h)? They only way for me to re-enable the abs (get the abs light off) is to completely turn off the bike (the key in off...
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    (DER) Ducati Evening Ride every thursday to L and L

    I'm in, but no guarantees as I have to bring my bike to gp bikes to be checked first. I should be able to make it back on time. Don't wait for me if I can't.
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    Mandatory Motorcycle Theft Alarms

    That makes sense. Thanks for the info. Cost reduction was very minimal. Like I said, $8 or so per year. Might be because I'm part of an association that already has decent rates.
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    Mandatory Motorcycle Theft Alarms

    Those 5 sound right. As for the disc alarm it qualified since it has the Audible Alarm, Disc Lock is an Immobilizer and Motion Detection. My alarm is a Xena, and I don't think it has to be on the list. I'll check my papers when I get a chance.
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    Are their duties on importing a Ducati from the US

    Just remembered this thread. Posting here for all the 'nay' sayers. :p
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    Mandatory Motorcycle Theft Alarms

    I got insurance with TDMM and it was just over 1k. I have a ducati. I didn't have an alarm at the time besides the stock immobilizer. I got the disc lock alarm and to get the "alarm" discount it needs the following 2 of 5 requirements. Disables the motorcycle. Has a sounding alarm. Has a back...
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    Chain Lube suggestions for a long trip

    Just a review of the product. I use the multi use one since it does the job just as well and is cheaper.
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    Classified for bikes (different source?)

    If you're willing to pick up a bike from the US I picked mine up from here.
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    Key Left in Ignition - Still in the on position

    This happened to me last season downtown. I was leaving the office and realized when I couldn't find the key on me. I went downstairs expecting to have the bike stolen or at a minimum, battery dead. Maybe not so much stolen since it was a CBR 250. Fortunately, someone was kind enough to take...
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    Closest place to get a safety @ 401 and 404

    Maybe I should rephrase my inquiry. Is there anything nearby (404 and 401) with Rosey Toes pricing ($40)? Right now it looks like I'll be making the ride out to the west side.
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    Closest place to get a safety @ 401 and 404

    OMG. Canadian tire is charging $98. Something seems off.... I should ask for estimated pricing too.
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    Closest place to get a safety @ 401 and 404

    Looking for the closest place to get safety on a bike. Near 401 and 404, that's open today between 6 to 7? Somewhat I a hurry as I'm selling my bike today and they asked for me to get a safety on it. I could go to Rosey Toes, but its further than i want to go. Suggestion would be appreciated
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    Sick! The PM's Wife (Laureen Harper) Rides

    Interesting read. Always nice to see a woman on a motorcycle.... for multiple reasons :)
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