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  1. S

    Fox shock rebuild

    Hello all, I'm riding a BMW k75 with a fox twin clicker rear shock. Does anyone know any one who can do the rebuild for it? I'd be interested in learning myself but so far getting information from fox is like pulling teeth. They don't seem to care about there street stuff anymore. Anyone have...
  2. S

    Grab rail extensions??

    So I recently got a new (used) bike. The issue I am having is that my gf can barely reach the grab handles. When she does, it ends up straining her back. Does anyone have any experience with grab rail extensions? Is this even possible? She can hang on to me no problem, so no need for the 'love...
  3. S

    FS: Ortlieb Waterproof Panniers/Saddlebags

    Okay lamely this is my first post, but I'm uploading some more motorcycle manuals shortly (just having some issues on my server). I'm selling these panniers because I no longer have my motorcycle.:( I'm looking at a BMW bike next, which will have its own hardcases.(hopefully!!) Mild wear on...

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