Virtually brand new Scorpion EXO-700 helmet, size Medium.
If I get a reasonable offer, will include a Scorpion Aero skirt - used once (it's a thing that goes below your chin, to reduce updraft of air).
May also include a neck warmer - brand new.
$220 OBO
One of the spools on my swingarm is slightly crooked, i.e. its not at 90 degrees but at 86 or so. I'm wondering if this could lead to any sort of issues, if I'm storing the bike on stands throughout the winter. I know it may sound weird/lame, however I'm thinking of pressure possibly being...
I know a bunch of people around here do things like this, and I'm too lazy to search - winter hibernation is upon me :)
I have a Ready For Paint rear seat cowl by Pyramid Plastics, for my 919, which I'm looking to paint stock silver - where should I go?
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