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    Super Series - Shannonville

    Long term racer dad, and racer himself, Grant Nesbitt has been killed as a result of a collision at Shannonville on Sunday 8 September. Grant was a generous, good man. Race in peace.
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    Anthony Gobert

    Roadracing fans from years back will remember "the Go Show". He has since had his share of problems. Seeing on twitter now that Anthony Gobert is in hospital, in palliative care. I just saw a video recently made of him, on facebook, and wish I hadn't. He's unrecognisable as the same person.
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    Hurontario - Mayfield Caledon RIP

    Cannot find any news articles on it, but roads were closed in the area Sat 7 Aug for hours, and I just spoke to people who were there. An eastbound taxi turned left (north) in front of a westbound motorcyclist mid-afternoon on 7 Aug, and the motorcyclist struck a southbound vehicle while...
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    Shannonville Super Series

    No details yet. RIP fellow roadracer.
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    As if you didn't have enough to worry about ...

    Water shortage in southwestern USA in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... I knew the Colorado River has been overutilized for a long time to the extent that it discharges almost nothing into the Gulf of California, but had no idea the situation was developing this quickly...
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    Line painting - Caledon

    Peel Region has been repainting white stop lines. Unfortunately, they've been leaving a large excess of glass beads (that which make the paint reflective), and it's slippery ... like riding on ball bearings. I didn't go down, but I sure felt it. At the moment, I know this affects the...
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    Space junk incoming

    Don't know exactly when or where yet, but it's descending (don't forget that our time zone is UTC-4.00): CZ-5B / 48275 / 2021-035B
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    Dave Dutton (VRRA racer)

    Covid19 has taken one of our own. Vintage Road Racing Association : Another wonderful VRRA friend has left us
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    Spain trip

    This thought just crossed my mind a couple days ago, but now, further investigation has me leaning towards doing it. This will be centered around the first European round of WorldSBK at Jerez, 27-28-29 March 2020. Going to a motorcycle race on a motorcycle just seems like the right thing to do...
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    Documentary on Dani Pedrosa

    I ran across this excellent documentary about Dani Pedrosa, produced after his retirement from MotoGP last year.
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    22 Sideroad Halton Hills

    This is the continuation of Old School Road into Glen Williams (Georgetown). Fresh chipseal with lots of loose gravel. No warning, no loose-gravel signs. From the Winston Churchill junction, it's visible, but from the Glen Williams end, it starts in the middle of a corner. I didn't go down, but...
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    The non-crash that could have been

    Me: Southbound on a rural road, 80 km/h speed limit, approaching an intersection that had a stop sign for the other direction with none in my direction. Something about the black Hyundai Santa Fe approaching from the east towards that stop sign tripped my spidey sense. The car stopped at the...
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    The next race bike

    After 22 years on my FZR400, I am planning to retire it at the end of this season. (I'm not selling it ... it will look just fine sitting in front of a wall of trophies, and I'd still like to keep it in ready-to-ride condition and perhaps do a couple of practice sessions per year on it.) I just...
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    Eastern Ontario Sat 7 Jul

    It looks like we will finally be getting a break from the heat wave this weekend, and it's not a race weekend. So, here's the plan ... The bike goes to Bancroft in the van Saturday morning bright and early, I'd like to be there for 9:30 AM although reality might dictate it being slightly later...
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    Autodrome St-Eustache closing

    2019 will be the last season for motorsports there. Property was sold to the city and HydroQuebec jointly ... sounds like HydroQuebec wants to build a facility of some sort there.
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    Maintaining the fleet

    Having a fleet means there has to be "the white board". Might as well be here. Street FZR400, 80500 km (original build thread - read the sticky thread about photobucket pics) Things that are DONE - Rear tire has a...
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    Photobucket hosting issues

    Photobucket's decision to not allow remote linking of photos a few months ago has broken a great many build threads, here and elsewhere. There is now a work-around. For Firefox, add the following plug-in: For Google...
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    Use your head!

    This is why there are rules about how to exit and enter the track - and why you respect the blend line. Think about what's happening behind you. Riders meetings at RACE and SOAR stress...
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    Almost crash ...

    I came reeeeeal close to hitting a motorcyclist with my van today. How so? Location (I was about where the blue car is in streetview and heading for the stop sign the same direction as that car)...
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    Using Firefox and-or Thunderbird? Update it - security vulnerability found and fixed

    If you are using Firefox, a security vulnerability was identified yesterday, and the fix just came out an hour or so ago. Press the menu button (3 horizontal bars) in top right, press "?" at the bottom of the menu that pops up, press "About Firefox". This will tell you what version you have and...
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