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  1. K

    Anyone ever corrected mileage that was declared wrong at time of ownership transfer?

    I feel like the answer is going to be it's not possible, and I would understand that completely because it seems pretty sketchy to allow it with the whole reality of rollbacks and dash swaps etc and would be ripe for abuse. But I was a moron and bought a bike with a dead battery (digital...
  2. K

    Is a working neutral position light a safety inspection requirement?

    I have a street bike with a motor swapped out of an off road model, DRZ400SM frame with a DRZ400E motor in it. E model motor didn't come with a neutral switch from the factory and no ability to add one due to different internal parts. Is this an item on a safety inspection or no? I can't find...
  3. K

    Demo Ride Days 2022

    These coming back at all now? Any announced anyone knows of?
  4. K

    Anyone know places doing dry ice blasting?

    Been around a while now but getting a lot of attention lately due to machine prices going down and a lot of youtube exposure. Been watching a lot of youtube content on it. Dry ice blasting is a pretty neat way to remove corrosion and pretty much any other substances built up on metal and...
  5. K

    Any Dalton Timmins customers tried to get them on the phone lately?

    What an unfortunate change, it’s like calling Rogers 1 800 number now. 30+ person hold lines and hour long waits. Ironically I am calling to cancel but yikes! Was always pleased before this though and recommended them to a ton of new riders friends because of it.
  6. K

    So are all the demo rides going to be scrapped this year? (but mostly BMW cluster discussion)

    Any word if these are getting cancelled (or just not scheduled at all....) due to the rona?
  7. K

    Anyone in their late 20's insuring 1000 class bikes these days?

    Going on seven years riding (seven years insured as well) and currently have an inline 4 600 and getting close to wanting to move up. Seems like finding a 1000cc bike that a company will actually touch is going to be fun. Already inquired about a Yamaha FZ1 and my current company does not...
  8. K

    Fatal motorcycle accident on Huron Road in Kitchener RIP
  9. K

    Looking for any mapped routes people have going towards perry sound, 518, towards calabogie, etc

    Hoping to get out next week for a longer ride, something all day starting from gta, can anyone share their google maps/.gpx routes hitting all the good stuff in this general direction? Been looking at old threads but I've confused myself about what to actually do and skip.
  10. K

    Safely buying a bike private sale that has a lien with a manufacturers financial company

    Seems like there is a lot that can go wrong here. The only way this works I can see is when the lien is with a bank that has a physical location so you can confirm its being paid off and get the title, and not leaving any opportunity that the buyers takes off with the cash and doesn't pay off...
  11. K

    Price check on 2018 Yamaha MT-07

    What is a fair price on this machine do you think? 2018 with 7,000km. Brand new 2020 can be had for $8500 plus the BS. Can some owners speak on what they bought their used 07's for?
  12. K

    Any chance this site with random bike crap is legit? Never heard of it, looks kinda sketch. They have a lot of bike crap listed there. I want that product and that is wayyyyyy cheaper than elsewhere. Those pegs are $150+ usually. I emailed them asking where they ship...
  13. K

    North American International Motorcycle Supershow - Jan 3-5, any good?

    Anyone going to this? I know there are a few different shows early in the year. Is this one of the good ones? Always nice when a lot of the brands are there with bikes to sit on and get a feel for.
  14. K

    Imagine having roads like this in Ontario...

    My goodness
  15. K

    Do the 5L Rotella T6 jugs ever go on sale?

    Do any of you T6 veterans know if the 5L go on sale ever? I don't have interest in buying the pails... . I'm paying more buying it in 5L jugs but I like that it has the measurement window, easier to deal with in general. I never see the 5L jugs on sale at Canadian Tire of the T6. Usually it's...
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