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  1. Trials

    TRS One - Basic Maintenance video by Jim Snell

    Very informative video that highlights many of the brands unique features and assemblies (y)
  2. Trials

    RSU fork rebuild tips

    I've noticed that aftermarket fork slider bushings are not very plug and play lately, the gap on the top bushings have been too tight to fit the fork leg hole without modification. For those who have not rebuilt forks before, you should test fit your top bushing in the lower fork leg prior to...
  3. Trials

    Studs on dirt bikes

    Serious fun, you guys with dirt bikes, stud up a set of tires and extend your riding season. You won't believe how great studs are on frozen ground, wet roots at any angle, slimy green moss covered logs at almost any angle, huge hillclimbs, ice! Wicked traction, better then summertime traction...
  4. Trials

    Beta fire

    rip to the poor brand new Beta Motorcycles that died in last nights fire :(
  5. Trials

    any Extreme Enduro riders on here?

    Eastern Ontario near enough for you :cool: do I have the trail for you. Apply within
  6. Trials

    Canned audience noise at televised ball park games

    The stadium is empty! wtf do we need the cheering crowd soundtrack for, what idiot thought they needed to add it, and :LOL: how long have they been adding that?
  7. Trials

    FIM Approved Helmets ⛑
  8. Trials

    Web page performance

    You guys really need to run a web page performance test some time :| Pingdom Tools Is the site owned by face book or something?
  9. Trials

    TY350 1986 or 7 front brake cable

    Trials submitted a new listing: TY350 1986 or 7 front brake cable - TY350 1986 or 7 front brake cable Learn more about this listing...
  10. Trials

    Brantford dirt rider passes

    One of our ATA members was apparently killed in a motocross accident the other day, RIP Peter Venczel you will be missed :(
  11. Trials

    Belleville flat track August 17

    (y) looks like fun, Belleville is a half mile track, they can really let it go!
  12. Trials

    Motorcycle Repair Courses - night

    I went to some of these years ago and it was fun, if you find more post them up think I seen 2 more on the same site. Intro. to Motorcycle Repair
  13. Trials

    RC - Radio Controlled Hobbyshop

    Are we allowed to have an RC thread here anybody into radio controlled stuff I have a 1 meter sailboat and a Tiger tank, but check this out! This is a 200cc radial engine for a model airplane :cool: builders site has some fly video Radial Engines for sale, Jacobs RC Radial Engines | Airen...
  14. Trials

    Wild parsnip - poisonous invasive plant warning

    Might be old news for some but in the interest of public safety: If you see these invasive plants showing up along the side of the roadways and you will soon if not already :/ Do not touch them. Treat it as you would poison ivy. The juice from the stems and leaves of this plant can be...
  15. Trials

    This is cool, electric MX in water park!

    That one scene also begs the question Just how waterproof are electric bikes anyway? Can I ride it under water? <- That would be very cool!
  16. Trials

    Ya Travis!

    Nice jump #1 (y)
  17. Trials

    Trials venue near Perth ON

    Setting up sections on Woody's Cycle Shop property tomorrow if anybody cares to come out and assist. Set-up is in support of non-sanctioned events and training courses scheduled to be hosted there over the next few weeks Events | Woody's Cycles
  18. Trials

    Motorcycle Catchers

    Ya, believe it or not catching flying motorcycles is a thing :I anybody else into it? Now you've got some place to post photos or video of your failures or achievements :D [video=youtube_share;EyqJ7_NKITc]
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