Search results

  1. ungoloth

    Drive spocket removal

    2019 Kaw. ZX10R the manual doesn't indicate a right or left hand thread for the drive sprocket nut. I assume it's a right hand thread. Anyone know for sure? I placed significant torque on the nut but it won't budge. yes I flattened the retaining washer first. Bike is in gear and rear brake...
  2. ungoloth

    Benching ZX10R, buying KLX300 for a year's use.

    Looking for other motorcycle experience. ZX10R needs expensive maintenance next year. Looking to offset the cost and try something new. Light Off road\ road use sounds appealing since I've always done the SS thing. With the delayed 10R maint. and insurance savings may go along way to acquire...
  3. ungoloth

    Blue plating an enduro

    I know service Ontario can answer but thought some of you would like to chime in. I'm considering purchasing a Kaw 300 KLX enduro and blue plating it. I was told by another rider that one cannot use the bike off road or use the trail system if it's blue plated. I'm finding this difficult to...
  4. ungoloth

    Where did the oil go?

    I'm at a loss. Probably because I'm a bit emotional over this problem. I changed the oil and filter on my 2019 Kaw ZX10R as I've done more than a few times in the past. I drained out the oil, changed the filter, torque as required and added 3 1\2 to less than 4L of new oil. I can see the new...
  5. ungoloth

    Elephant lake road/Peterson road

    No sand and enjoyable on ELR. Peterson road is mostly clear but this winter must have been rough as it's bouncy. I saw what looks like construction equipment staging on Peterson rd. Maybe resurfacing in the near future? happy apexes.
  6. ungoloth

    Northern ride

    #2 Ravenscliffe rd/Stisted rd, out of Huntsville is ok. Better and smother on Stisted rd. #518 is nice and loads of fun. #537 between Wanup and Wahnapitae (near Sudbury) is a fun ride. Happy apexes
  7. ungoloth

    Sprint air filter

    Hello, anyone use a sprint air filter? Does it make the engine run lean? Would one have to tune or ecu flash said engine?
  8. ungoloth

    Passing on the right hand shoulder of the road.

    Does HTA 172 apply? I was east bound, on a single lane road, stopped at a traffic light, signalled with intent to turn left. Opposite the red traffic light was the same as the west bound vehicle was also waiting for the green to turn left. The light turned green, we both entered the...
  9. ungoloth

    507 photo radar

    My group and I are going for a ride tomorrow. 507 is the only interesting hwy heading north so it's likely always going to be part of the adventure. Did they install photo radar on that goat trail yet? I guess we need a current map of photo radar locations.
  10. ungoloth

    Riding options.

    2 years ago I came off the bike (totalled it) and found myself in the hospital for a month. I am paying the insurance extortion now and I'm almost done with this S**t. At the time it was 38 years without incident. I hit some gravel and came off. I'm thinking of just doing track days and...
  11. ungoloth

    Another lockdown=less riding?

    Here we go again. Last year I rode over xx,xxx km. There was less traffic and seemingly little law enforcement. Snowmobile season was much more closely enforced. One could only ride in their own district and tickets for trailering a sled out of your district and trespassing tickets issued...
  12. ungoloth

    Christmas gift

    Yaaaay! I'm getting venture heated gloves for Christmas! I hope Santa lets me use them this weekend lol.
  13. ungoloth

    Elephant lake rd/Peterson rd

    Construction/resurfacing going on. Lots of deep gravel.
  14. ungoloth

    CR 10 north of Welcome

    CR 10 north of Welcome south of Garden Hill. I was southbound until I hit gravel. I turned around at that point because I just cleaned my bike.
  15. ungoloth

    Where to get tires installed

    I'm looking at new tires and the cost is a stark difference ($300) between dealership and fortnine. The problem is installation. Some won't install them unless bought there. Any suggestions who installs with no regard to where they are purchased? This is a new bike so no hack mechanics please...
  16. ungoloth

    Southwood 13

    Anyone been on it with an update? I would like to ride it on my way to Sudbury next weekend. If it's not paved then it's no-go. Sent from my SM-G970W using mobile app
  17. ungoloth

    Trailering motorcycle

    I have completed setting up a trailer this spring solely (this time of year anyway) for fairly local motorcycle adventures. It's now fast and easy to load, secure and unload the bike as required. I permanently installed a wheel chock and 6 tie-down points. I have trailered my bike up to Hwy...
  18. ungoloth

    Manufacturer recommended tire replacement.

    Last fall I purchased my first new ABS motorcycle (Kaw ZX10R). As with all SS bikes tire replacement is always on the horizon... I was reading through the service manual and it insists on replacing the tires with Bridgestone Battlax racing street RS10R L. The manual goes on about handling...
  19. ungoloth

    Kawasaki 2011-2015 ZX10R service manual.

    For sale: Kawasaki 2011-2015 ZX10R service manual (non ABS). Printed form, bound in 4" 3 ring binder. This is a complete manual, gently used and well organized. I have quite a bit of time, ink and paper invested in this so I need $40 firm. This is a good deal considering a new manual is in the...
  20. ungoloth

    Where to mount a Action cam?

    My first AC and wondering if anyone had success on where to mount it. Riding an SS bike.
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