Search results

  1. Iceman

    Selling a bike with a lien

    Unfortunately I'm considering selling my Tracer 900gt. I have a loan owing currently for less than the value of the bike. Any advice? I've never tried to sell anything with a lien on it. Sent from my SM-A530W using Tapatalk
  2. Iceman

    New bike day!

    Watched the Tenere700 get loaded on a flat deck today and it's gone.[emoji26] After that I signed off on the paperwork for a barely used 2019 Tracer Gt![emoji4] I don't pick it up until Tuesday but I'm stoked! Sent from my SM-A530W using Tapatalk
  3. Iceman

    Pretty sure my bike is totalled

    I had two bears run across the road yesterday on Houseys Rapids rd. I stopped, my friend did not. He rear ended me with a 750lb Harley. I am 100 percent fine, he catapulted me but I clumsily rode it out and have zero injuries. My friend went down hard and is recovering nicely in Sunnybrook from...
  4. Iceman

    ID this Ducati

    I need to draw on the gtam knowledge lol. Someone please tell me the make and model of this Ducati. Sent from my SM-A530W using Tapatalk
  5. Iceman

    Covid travel restrictions

    A relative needs to get home to Nova Scotia and has asked me to drive as I'm not working. If I'm going I'd like to bring back a sailboat for my uncle as I'm already there. Having a hard time with all the provincial restrictions. Anyone know if this is feasible at all or a pipe dream? Sent from...
  6. Iceman

    New klr 650

    Fuel injection, abs, and a few other small changes but it's back! Sent from my SM-A530W using Tapatalk
  7. Iceman

    2021 insurance renewals

    Got TD insurance renewal today. Looks like the new t7 is going to cost me $623/year 2 mil liability, full coverage with increased accident benefits, the wife's gladius is now $693 same coverage. Last year my versys was $586 and klr was $550, her gladius was $686. All had the same coverage as...
  8. Iceman


    I have an opportunity to buy a used flashtune kit. If it's been registered and used, is it now useless to me? Can it still be used on other bikes? Thanks for any info as I've no experience with this. Sent from my SM-A530W using Tapatalk
  9. Iceman

    Toni Sharpless Supersonic Road Race School

    This is so cool, I'm planning to go next year. Sent from my SM-A530W using Tapatalk
  10. Iceman

    Motorcycle storage

    Just saw this ad on Kijiji. It was posted in the motorcycles section and seemed pretty cheap. Please view this ad: Single garage for rent near York university...
  11. Iceman

    2011 klr650 lowering links and sidestand

    My 2011 klr came with lowering links and a shortened kickstand to match. I have replaced them with the stock links. The lowering links are free if anyone wants them. I'll also trade the shortened kickstand for a stock one. I will also help install the links, takes about 20 minutes. Sent from my...
  12. Iceman

    Ktm 1090/1190 owners

    Questions for big vtwin ktm owners. I'm hearing alot about the "heat issue" off the rear cylinder. How much does the heat bother you? Have you taken any steps to improve it and what have you done? What model year do you own? Thanks in advance guys, the 1090 is a strong contender for my next bike...
  13. Iceman

    Winter indoor racing in North York.

    Found this ad on Kijiji, looks pretty fun and I figured somebody on here would be interested. Indoor racing on crf50 type dirtbikes. Please view this ad: Crf50 race indoors...
  14. Iceman

    2019 Soggy Boot Trailride

    Who's going? One of the best rides of the year. 100% green plate friendly, they have permission to use the side roads for trail transfer. Sent from my SM-A530W using Tapatalk
  15. Iceman

    Cannonball rides 2019

    This year the Cannonball rides organizers have teamed up with Joe Rocket Canada. The rides are mapped and logged through the Eat Sleep Ride app. Looks pretty cool. Sent from my SM-A530W using Tapatalk
  16. Iceman

    Anyone missing cbr600rr near Hamilton

    Saw this on fb this morning. Newer cbr600rr abandoned in a park in Hamilton. Sent from my SM-A530W using Tapatalk
  17. Iceman

    2009 zx6r no start.

    A little background first. Bike was in a serious crash last year, sounds as though there was some damage repaired to the wiring harness, plugs replaced etc. Bike cranks freely, will not start. Fuel pump operates if hooked directly to 12v, does not prime with key in the on position. I'm thinking...
  18. Iceman

    Jordan Szoke huge sale

    Like the title says, Jordan is selling off a ton of race parts, dirt bike stuff, gear etc. I'm sure there is something here for the racers. Sent from my SM-A530W using Tapatalk
  19. Iceman

    Winter racing!

    Those of you who enjoy racing and cant wait until spring can get out in February. The WEC has booked an event in Meaford and it's open to anyone. Sent from my SM-A530W using Tapatalk
  20. Iceman

    Motorcycle Shipping

    See lots of threads here about shipping bikes, found this ad on Kijiji. Seems legit, may be an alternative. Please view this ad: Motorcycle Shipping Canada Wide...
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