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  1. KLR Junkie

    Auto-renewing plates question

    Hey all, Now that our plates are auto-renewing, has anyone heard if Service Ontario will be mailing out new registration cards that don't have expiration dates printed on them? While my older permits don't have it, the last couple of vehicles that I've registered have had expiration dates...
  2. KLR Junkie

    Motorcycle Dolly

    Hey all, I'm looking at getting a couple of motorcycle dollies to make it easier to move the bikes around in the shop over the winter. The ones designed for bikes (long central rail with side-stand support rail sticking out the side) are pretty pricey at over $150. On the other hand, a...
  3. KLR Junkie

    Cylinder bore in Durham/East GTA?

    Anyone know of a decent machine shop in the East end of the GTA that would bore out the cylinder on my KLR? I'm looking to fix an oil burning issue by going with a new, larger diameter piston kit. I just need to factor in the cost of boring the cylinder before I take the plunge. Thanks
  4. KLR Junkie

    I don't know you, stay the f*** away from me!

    Something is going on out on the roads this year. Every time I've been out so far this spring I've had strangers start riding formation on me. Of course it's nothing new, it happens from time to time every year, but not like this. Every single ride, sometimes multiple times on the same ride...
  5. KLR Junkie

    What's the used market like right now?

    I'm considering selling my Goldwing and getting something more my speed, like a Vstrom. I've noticed that prices on Kijiji seem to be fairly strong but also that ads are staying up for a longer time than I'm used to seeing. With the economic uncertainty right now I'd really like to avoid...
  6. KLR Junkie

    Ear plug recommendations?

    Hey all, trust the riding season is treating you well. I've been using the standard yellow 3M EarSoft foam ear plugs for years. They work amazingly well, but I always get sore ears after about 5-6 hours. Yes, I do stop every hour or so for a couple of minutes just to stretch and hydrate and I...
  7. KLR Junkie

    Western Canada flying tour

    Hey all, So this summer I'm going to be doing something I've wanted to do for years. I'm going to buy a used Goldwing (probably a '98-00 GL1500) off of Kijiji and spend 2-3 weeks riding out to BC and back. The plan at this point is to go mid-June. My route is pretty wide open at this point...
  8. KLR Junkie

    Backroads Mapbook?

    Anyone use the Backroads mapbook for Cottage Country? It covers a triangle from Toronto-North Bay-Cornwall. I bought their Newfoundland book for a trip last year and...
  9. KLR Junkie

    Long time lurker...

    Greetings all, I've been enjoying the forum for a while now and figured that I should probably step out of the shadows and say hi. So, uh, hi! As you might be able to tell from my name I'm on a KLR650 and have been for the last 4 years, 3 of which have been in Whitby. Anyway, I don't really...
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