Search results

  1. M

    Things are getting busy on the selling side of things.

    One more week and into August. Have you folks noticed the number of posts for selling is increasing?
  2. M

    If not here is there a link for folks seeking advice on the pre-Fi carb issues ?

    Checked in with a few ol'boys that new their way around older English carbureted bike engines after a long absence. I pulled out my old '68 Triumph Tiger out of storage and now can't find any of my old Buds. The bike was in storage for over 30yrs at my parents place. Seems they all past...
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    I found another trail but need to cross a pipeline corridor to get to it

    I go on weekly trail rides here in Mississauga and mostly within along the credit river valley. Noi hikers or bicycle folks can easily negotiate the routes so they is no concern for push back. We usually follow some old abandoned paths to avoid disruption to the area but the latest one...
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    So who's out there riding taking chances ?

    Had great feedback on my earlier post: Selling Frenzy Makes me wonder how many riders are electing to forego insurance. When I look back at my half century years of riding, I had a few accidents but no-fault ones. I am however concerned with the bicycle guys on the country roads that can't...
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    Selling Frenzy

    Geez, why are folks looking to unload their Cruiser's and go-fast bikes? Kijji is full of ads from folks yet asking stupid high prices. Maybe an insurance issue that they won't divulge?
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    Bike Theft - European style

    I've been getting updates from two Buds touring Europe this summer. The had their bikes shipped over. The latest theft scam over there is having an Apple Air Tag placed in a hidden location at a tour company's secured parking lot. So while the folks are on their tour bus, one of the bikes was...
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    Bikes under $3K

    Has anyone found any of the Japanese bike brands between 500 to 1000cc for sale and certified?
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    Honda XL500 For Sale [Deleted]

    Merkid submitted a new listing: Honda XL500 For Sale - Honda XL500 For Sale Learn more about this listing...
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    2003 Kawasaki ZR-750

    Merkid submitted a new listing: 2003 Kawasaki ZR-750 - 2003 Kawasaki ZR-750 Learn more about this listing...
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    I've been reading a lot of posts about folks that are taking their bikes out of storage and experiencing carb issues. Some of the bikes sat for as little as four months and have clogged jets and associated orifices. Probably didn't drain the fuel bowls prior to storage or use stabilizer. I...
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    For Something a little different

    This answers a question I always wondered about the bikes of the Squid Wheely Boyz:
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    Riders Choice

    Kudos to the guys at Riders Choice who certified my bike yesterday. One day earlier I had set up the appointment. I arrived a few minutes early and they took the bike in and had it all wrapped up the 20min they quoted. Thanks guys.
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    Standing by while a Certification Inspection is undertaken

    Will qualified dealers allow the bike Owner to stand and review the safety inspection process of a bike? Car dealers have strict rules that the Owners can't enter the work area when their cars are being repaired, usually for some insurance requirements. Reason to ask is a Bud asked if he...
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    Bike with no Ownership

    I've been interested in an old Honda dirt bike that might make for a good project. No ownership apparently and the serial sticker shows a few scuff marks that look hand made. It's almost 55yrs old and I'm thinking it could have been a victim of theft. Any warning issues I should know about...
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    2003 Kawasaki ZR-7S For Sale [Deleted]

    Merkid submitted a new listing: 2003 Kawasaki ZR-7S For Sale - 2003 Kawasaki ZR-7S For Sale Learn more about this listing...
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    PA Loading Ramps on Sale

    Has anyone used these? They are limited to 500 # per ramp.. My bikes are just in excess of that so I wonder if it was exceeded abit as to whether they would hold up?
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    Older tires and certification

    Would twenty year old tires prohibit a certification even if they have lots of tread and no dry rot?
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    Factory Painted Rims

    The previous owner of my Kawasaki acquisition made an ill fated attempt to remove the black paint off the rims. It looks like he generally achieved it except for some tough areas. See pic. I took it upon myself to finish the work with little luck. After taking various types of flapper...
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    No Plate

    I'm in a tough spot being 2hrs from my home and now a cager called me out for no plate on my bike. It must have loosened and dropped off today. On top of that, my ownership papers aren't under the seat where I usually keep them. I do have my insurance info on my phone however. Does anyone...
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    Feb Riding

    Well, I hope some of you folks got out yesterday. I did to shake down two winter projects so now know what is left to do. Noticed others enjoying it too. I was hoping to continue today and tomorrow again but now noticed Peel Region has laid down the salt and brine last night. Oh well.
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