Search results

  1. Evol

    Hover Technology!

    I'm not talking about those ****** "hoverboards" on 2 wheels that roll on the ground. I'm talking about this: Would you guys give up your bike for one of these? Or perhaps when they invent a hover motorcycle. Or would you prefer to stay on the...
  2. Evol


    Model: 2012 Kawsaki ZX6R Problem: When I was out yesterday sitting in traffic (stop and go), I noticed the temperature gauge doing something different from the norm. Normally, my bike would go up to 200 degrees Fahrenheit and just stop there, but for the first time I've seen it go past that...
  3. Evol

    Grabbing a new helmet.

    I think it's about that time of year for a change over. (I remember my instructors from way back when mentioning to change your helmet ever 5 years I've had my current one for 7 now). Any good deals out there? Currently rocking a SHOEI multi-tec. I really like the modular helmets (the ones...
  4. Evol

    The Future of Motorcycles as we know it.

    How do you all feel about the new full electric motorcycles coming out? Harley Davidson seems to have jumped the bandwagon on this one as well with their project LiveWire. And Mission R with their lineup
  5. Evol

    Gun Range/Shooting Ranges recommendations.

    I've checked out -, membership is approximately $700/yr, read reviews on it, usually busy, recommended to come early and book 3 weeks in advance. - Burlington, membership was $385/yr, pros is that it's open 24 hours. Are there anymore ranges out there that any of you...
  6. Evol

    Go to subway station and see this -- Wat Do? You're going along your merry way to work/school/some place. And this guy shows up. What would you do?
  7. Evol

    Replacing Gauges

    Anyone know a good aftermarket place(or places) in Toronto to get work done on your bike? Or do you guys order parts from web-stores? List some sites as well. I'm thinking about replacing my speedometer gauges since it started to crack and getting a turn signal conversion kit to have it tucked...
  8. Evol

    The future of motorcyles

    Yay or Nay? Would you guys want to grab one of these babies? The aesthetics and riding position I can get use to, it's something I wouldn't mind riding.
  9. Evol

    Motorcylist with itansha (痛単車) Anime Body Kit

    Seen a biker with itansha (痛単車) style motorcycle at the Toronto Congress Center around May. 1) was wondering where they got it done 2) would like to roll with them sometime. We already have similar interests LOL.
  10. Evol

    Returning Rider

    What's up riders. Been on gtamotorcycle a while back but rarely came on my username was like a KawasakiNinjaZZR or something like that I don't even remember it or the password for that matter. About: -bike '97 suzuki GSXR600 (2nd Bike.) Been riding for 8 consecutive seasons. This year...
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