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    Downtown Workday Parking

    Yonge and front is under construction so that street parking is unavailable. Simcoe and King is always full of bikes by the time I get there. I'm essentially at bay and Wellington and struggling to find street (free) parking. Anyone have an idea?
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    Ducati Owners, Haven't you had the abs light problem

    Hey, I was wondering if any ducati owners have had the abs light come on (when the light is on it means ABS is disabled, it's suppose to go off [abs enabled] after 5km/h)? They only way for me to re-enable the abs (get the abs light off) is to completely turn off the bike (the key in off...
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    Closest place to get a safety @ 401 and 404

    Looking for the closest place to get safety on a bike. Near 401 and 404, that's open today between 6 to 7? Somewhat I a hurry as I'm selling my bike today and they asked for me to get a safety on it. I could go to Rosey Toes, but its further than i want to go. Suggestion would be appreciated
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    Sick! The PM's Wife (Laureen Harper) Rides

    Interesting read. Always nice to see a woman on a motorcycle.... for multiple reasons :)
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    2011 Honda CBR 250RA with ABS 12700km going for $4050

    Great bike. 1 owner. Upgraded to a bigger bike after 2 seasons. I wish I didn't have to sell, but insurance on two is unreasonable. Never dropped.
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    Importing a Motorcycle into Ontario

    I was debating between posting in the original thread, but realized it wasn't really motorcycle specific. I hope I don't get flamed for posting it here. My experience for a...
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    Selling a used bike in Ontairo

    I want to sell my current bike and I'm looking for information on how to do it. Do I need to provide a Used Vehicle Information Package (UVIP)? Do I need to provide a safety on the vehicle? I know people prefer to get this stuff on their own as it can be falsified before it gets to them. Any...
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    Replace or patch tire?

    This morning my CBR250 felt kind of sluggish and I look at it, including the tire, but it looked alright at the time. After work it was nearly flat. I checked it out and found a nail in my tire. It must of been from my late night ride to Aurora last night... After finding the nail i went to the...
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    Generic Gear for Passengers, 2up, B!+cH Seat ( don't know any other names )

    Hey guys, I have a couple of friends... mostly female and probably some male who'd like to take a ride when I get my M2 at the end of this month. Where can I get generic gear? I'm assuming the min requirement is a helmet. Does such a thing as a generic helmet exist? Anything else...
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    Attach helmet to bike or carry at all times

    I was just thinking... Is there a way to securely attach your helmet to the bike so you don't have to lug it around or is this not recommended? If it's not recommended or there is no secure way to lock it to the bike. I suppose I'm just suppose to carry it around... Let me know, I'm getting...
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    Getting Warranty on a new CBR250RA

    Purchased and ordered my new CBR250RA from the Honda Dealer in mississauga. I'm picking it up Monday. I've been offered an extended warranty, which I've been considering. The one in particular was the 3 years extended warranty (2 years added to the 1 original) for $455. The warranty includes...
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    Where to get motorcycle gear in Toronto

    I have helmet, gloves and boots. I picked up the helmet and boots from . Are there any other good places to try on clothing that has a good selection. I'm looking to get a jacket and possibly pants. Something accessible by subway would be even better or...
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