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  1. TK4

  2. TK4

    Right to repair

    I know we've been down this road before...
  3. TK4

    Can Red Bull save KTM ?
  4. TK4

    DriveOn - more news

    Clear as mud.
  5. TK4

    Exo Technologies

    Makes sense ?
  6. TK4

    MotoGP - translations
  7. TK4

    SkyNet ?
  8. TK4

    Mouse Blocker

    Anyone know anything about this ?
  9. TK4

    Maryland sues maker of Gore-Tex over pollution from toxic 'forever chemicals'
  10. TK4

    Bing Crosby

    When Bing Crosby's nephew asked him casually, late in Bing's life, about the most difficult moment of his career, he expected some juicy gossip about a difficult Hollywood director or the story of a struggle with a studio. But Bing instead told him it was on a USO tour in December of 1944 in an...
  11. TK4


    1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Holiday spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they're serving rum balls. 2. Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly, it's rare. You cannot find it any other...
  12. TK4

    An Aussie Christmas

    An Aussie Christmas : 🐨 'Twas the night before Christmas; there wasn't a sound. Not a possum was stirring; no-one was around. We'd left on the table some tucker and beer, Hoping that Santa Claus soon would be here; We children were snuggled up safe in our beds, While dreams of pavlova danced...
  13. TK4

    The Vinyl Cafe

    Opinion by Christopher Dummitt (National Post) I have a Christmas confession: there’s something I love about the CBC. To some National Post readers, this might seem like the equivalent of saying Al-Qaeda had a few good ideas. But hear me out. At this festive time of the year — in the spirit of...
  14. TK4

    Bagger racing heads for Europe
  15. TK4

    The CMA and the MCC
  16. TK4

    Is it too early for New Year's Resolutions ?

    I hereby resolve to work on my bicycles and motorcycles less, ride them more and refrain from circular political discussions. Your turn.
  17. TK4

    Make a difference this Christmas

    Just one of many worthwhile charities that need your help -
  18. TK4

    Honda NT1100P
  19. TK4

    Should anyone tell him ?

    Uh, that's the Matterhorn...
  20. TK4

    Honda Makes Huge Leap Toward Viable Electric Motorcycles
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