Anyone been to Belize? It’s the only Central American country I’ve not been to. Thinking about a holiday next year and perhaps somewhere new.
1. Good wildlife
2. Interesting history
3. No KFC/McDonalds/Starbucks
4. Decent local food
5. Bonus for Spanish speaking
6. $CDN needs to go...
Security cam caught a scruffy crackhead trying our car door handles last night, thankfully no damage. Time to nip this in the bud as there’ve been multiple reports of multiple people in backyards/stealing from cars etc the past few days.
I need a driveway alarm that’s reliable and won’t go off...
Why is dressage a thing? It’s ridiculous.
What are the demonstration sports this year? Did 10 pin bowling make it in?
Which sports are mostly competed in by non-rich athletes?
So many questions.
There hasn’t been one for years but it’s coming up. This is a decent ride out for you GTA types. From Trenton you’re not far from Prince Edward County too.
Let’s say you buy something from a website that offers a fit guide for the components you order. They arrive and one part doesn’t fit. You call in and politely mention that the website might need updating as the component doesn’t fit and can you have an exchange of that one piece sent as it...
Never really fished. Have no clue what I’m doing. Know diddly squat about fishing.
Going on holiday soon. There’s some rocks on the beach I’m off to that jut into the sea. Looks like a good place to sit with a beer and a rod. Or maybe the beach into the surf.
Will one of those amazon kits...
I guess Ecuador is off the list for a bit.
I know things have been a bit iffy in several Latin/South American countries for a while but it seems like they are getting worse, not better.
How do you...
Not sure what things are like where you guys live but things seem to be changing in my neighbourhood here in Kingston. Lots more petty theft than usual. We have a few tents popping up in hidden away places with people sleeping rough. Cars broken into regularly. A family was attacked with bear...
I didn’t want to hijack the other thread about free photo editors so I started this.
For my work I have gotten it into my head that it would be fun to have a go at content creation.
I know **** all about editing videos etc. I have some basic photo editing skills.
I can get access to 50...
You used to be able to ride from north of Sharbot Lake all the way up to Renfrew on this but a recent bylaw put in place now seems to prohibit any dirt bike or motorcycle on the trail. However, ATV’s are still allowed?
That’s a shame. This is/was a decent, long permit free offroad multiuse...
Many different vendors are selling a couple of different Zumo models for about 20% or more off.
Zumo XT 21% off at Amazon, similar discounts direct from Garmin, GOS central etc...
Wtf is happening down south? Party like it’s 1894?
Handmaid’s Tale is being moved from the fiction section to the reality section of bookstores.
I’d like to say “it couldn’t happen here” but lately some of our worst imports have been “things fringe Americans like to ruin for everyone for 100...
My hearing isn’t great. I’ve had tinnitus since I was a kid and things are only getting worse so what little I have left I want to protect. I always ride with earplugs and for the longest time just used Howard Leit foamies as they gave me maximum noise reduction at a great price and I thought...
I’m all set…some great souvenirs
jubilee mug
jubilee stamp
Glad this will be the last jubilee. It’s 2022, long past due to heave these lot to the curb.
So there were some big roadworks on Arden Rd that leads N from Tamworth to highway 7 but these apparently are now finished. I didn’t take this road today but I stopped at a motorcycle friendly food stop in Tamworth called the River Bakery (great sandwiches!) and chatted to the new owners. They...
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