Search results

  1. theshnizzle

    Fort9 is always down for "maintenence "? Is it my phone or what?

    I can't tell you how many times I have gone to fort9 to check something only to see a message it's down for maite. I am using my phone and hubby gets the same message on his computer. Is it just me or what?
  2. theshnizzle

    Looking for someone to redo a seat..

    I have a seat that I need to be reshaped. Who is doing that these days? Any recommendations? A long time ago when I needed something like this done, I went to a couple different upholstery shops. They didn't seem to understand the particular needs of a riders azz comfort .
  3. theshnizzle

    To California NOT by super highway. Suggestions welcomed

    Everyone I know who has ridden out to Colorado takes the 70 or 80 across.....I dont want to do that. I'm saying CO cause that's usually the destination when one rides out west but I'm continuing on. I'm looking at my maps, to find the secondary highways ,2 laners, that will take me across. I...
  4. theshnizzle

    Looking for...sw motech rear rack for street triple

    theshnizzle submitted a new listing: Looking for...sw motech rear rack for street triple - Looking for...sw motech rear rack for street triple Learn more about this listing...
  5. theshnizzle

    Colorado. ..routes south of 70

    Heading out that way in sept. I was going to take 36 across the midwest,I don't think I can stomach hours of 80 mph on the interstate,anyway, I am looking for input and recommendations for routes and roads,paved,south of interstate 70 on Colorado. I was going to drop down off 36 and enter at...
  6. theshnizzle

    Will there be test rides at mosport superbike weekend?

    I know that manufacturers are cutting back on test ride programs this year so I am wondering who will show up at mosport double header weekend coming up offering test rides. I can’t seem to find the info anywhere.
  7. theshnizzle

    LOOKING FOR....Cortech 2.0 5/10 litre or 12 litre tank bag.

    magnets preferred. I'm looking for the 2.0 low profile or the 12 litre one. the low profile is a 5 but expands to 10. I'm not sure if I can fit on the bike with a 12 but hopefully....
  8. theshnizzle

    suggestions for riding out west/colorado/utah/ ect.

    So....thinking of doing this ride. Haven' been yet. Looking at my paper map!!!!!! I was thinking of breaking up the slab ride deeking off 70 now and then onto a lesser parallel route. Anything that is about a 40 min ride or so off the superhighway. Would this be a waste of my time or a nice...
  9. theshnizzle

    parking bike at airport for a week...yes or no?

    My first grandkid was born and now I need to get down to south of Miami. I will be looking to go down towards the end of April. I am considering riding down, which I have done before,but this time I may fly instead. a couple of the flights I have looked at leave very early in the am so...
  10. theshnizzle

    Buying a “rebuilt title” bike from another province

    I’m looking at a good deal on a bike out east. The bike has a rebuilt title. I called the MTO and spoke with them,they said since the bike already has been labelled rebuilt, the structural safety has already been done in that province, all it would need here is the basic safety and it would be...
  11. theshnizzle

    speeding with child as passenger
  12. theshnizzle

    Going for first resolution in court tomorrow...but.....

    I was charged with failing to stop at a red light. I go for first resolution tomorrow. I have never had a traffic ticket or been in court for anything. Possibly I may get my ticket down to no points and a nominal fine BUT it will still be a conviction,something I am trying to avoid. I don't care...
  13. theshnizzle

    What does Primmums accident forgivness really mean?

    I have accident forgiveness on my policy. As posted, I was in a MVC on Friday and the car is written off. As far as I know the driver of the transport truck will not be making a claim as there was minimal damage,just a bent mudflap support from what I could see, and I won't be making a claim...
  14. theshnizzle

    ticket fighter in Northumberland county..recommendations?

    I think I am going to fight my newly aquire ticket after many many years of a clean record. I am going to assume that Redland won't take work out this way so I am looking for recommendations for a good outfit to help me fight my ticket in the Northumberland or Peterborough area. I would like to...
  15. theshnizzle

    Crashed my car today,im charged, temp sticker, what do I do? first accident

    I bought my car yesterday,went to the license office and received my temp sticker using my Primmum policy number. I hadn't contacted primmum yet, I was going to do that today as I had a appointment to have my mechanic check over the car to tell me what it may need for safety. If it was going to...
  16. theshnizzle

    Alert! Warning! Cty rd 10 south of 9..campbellcroft

    They started tearing up the south part of county road the 2 high speed sweepers southbound through perry town are a no go. Keep your speed down as you will hit the gravel before you know it. You don't want to hit the brakes high speed in a corner on gravel....I suspect that may end...
  17. theshnizzle

    Temporary insurance for visitor from Germany...possible?

    We have a uncle visiting us for 6 months from Germany. He would like a motorcycle to ride while he is here and we happen to have a DRZ400 available. Is it advisable to put insurance under the bfs name but have uncle ride it? Would the insurance company let temp insurance be put on the bike under...
  18. theshnizzle

    GP bikes tech killed on his bike, thanksgiving monday

    After typing that title, I really don't know what else to say.......RIP . You were a really super guy, always smiling, always so helpful......I'm terribly, terribly sad.
  19. theshnizzle

    L/F a shop for paint OR body wrap.

    Any recommendations? Going from red to yellow/black. I may have a complete set of bodywork(extra) to have done. I was originally thinking of painting my extra set but doing a wrap is probably more cost efficient. and, no , I don't want to rattle can it or wrap it myself. I want it to look...
  20. theshnizzle

    Riding down to Mexico in april

    In 2011 I flipped a coin to see if I would ride north or South. North won and I ended up in alaska Now it's time to ride south, so I am heading for approx. A months ride to Mexico. I plan to spend at least 13 days just riding around down there. It will take a while to get there but I don't ship...
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