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  1. S

    Fork Alignment Triumph Street

    I won't lie. Now that i've seen it's off I can't un-see it, and it's driving me crazy. I must have spend about 2 full days making sure the rear was aligned. I did both the string method and straight edge method (using home depot thick square steel bars). When I have the rear stand on and spin...
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    Fork Alignment Triumph Street

    I thought about that. I normally don't take my hands off the bars, but last night while riding I let go of both hands. The bike tracked straight for a few seconds then started shifting right (again..very slight). I did this a few times in the centre lane, left and right - all with the same...
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    Fork Alignment Triumph Street

    Hey all, I noticed with the bike pointing straight (headlights, flyscreen etc), the front wheel is ever so slightly pointing right. I'd say maybe 2-3 degrees. I'm assuming this is from potholes as the bikes hasn't been down/dropped. On my old bike, which had been down when I bought it, I...
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    SC Project for Street Triple

    Sweet! Exhaust arrived today via FedEx. Took a total of 20 days from time of online payment. Looks and feel really well made. I won't be able to install it until Sunday. Is it safe to ride around without the Arrow map for, say, a week?
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    Is There Any Bike Out There That Can Give You 400+ km's On Tank Of Gas?

    2015 Street Triple 17.4L tank 290km (could have probably done another 15-20kms)
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    SC Project for Street Triple

    Nope...ecu is locked for '13 and newer. :(
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    SC Project for Street Triple

    Thanks! I ordered direct from SC website. It came to $650 CAD shipping included. From what I understand there won't be any duties either. I figured the savings would be worth the wait. I'll report back one I receive and install it. Already called GP and confirmed for $50 they will put the...
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    SC Project for Street Triple

    I decided to just purchase it. It'll take 5-8 weeks to arrive. I think it's the nicest looking exhaust for the bike. I actually really like the look of the stock exhaust, but want just a TAD more volume for highway riding. I've had quite a few cars get too close for comfort (to be fair I...
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    SC Project for Street Triple

    Hey guys, Anyone here have an SC Project conic or S1 fitted on their striple? I'm interested in buying one for my '15, but worried it may be too loud. I've watched every YouTube video and each one sounds different because of the mics. Looking to meet to possibly hear it live. Also wondering...
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    SC Project Conic for Street Triple

    Hey all, I'm considering swapping my stock exhaust for a SC Project Conic slip on. I've been doing some research and it seems most people recommend getting the Arrow map put on their bikes for pretty much any aftermarket slip-on. That said I have a few questions: 1. Where can I go to have...
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    In the market for a new bike

    Not sure if these photos are going to show, but here it is. Sent from my Le X820 using Tapatalk
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    In the market for a new bike

    Thank you. Sent from my Le X820 using Tapatalk
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    In the market for a new bike

    I pulled the trigger. Bought the '15 STRx. Rode it home (50km). What a lovely bike. Sent from my Le X820 using Tapatalk
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    In the market for a new bike

    Hey guys. Checked out the 2014 STriple today. It was in like-new shape with the exception of missing chain guard cover which seller says snapped off due to bag straps that got caught while riding. Bike has under 2000km on it. No scratches, dings or dents. I looked at almost all visible bolts...
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    In the market for a new bike

    Thanks for the feedback. I'm leaning towards the RX as well, but the drive to Brampton is a pain as I'm in East Toronto. It's also 1 year younger. I'm checking out the 2014 R tonight after work (hopefully), and the RX on the weekend (again, hopefully). Insurance quotes for all of the bikes I...
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    In the market for a new bike

    Hey all, Sorry I went MIA for a while. I went to a few dealers/stores over the past 2 weeks and sat on a few bikes. I've also been looking for insurance quotes, which seem to be roughly the same for all of the bikes I quoted for. - The XSR, as much as I love the look and feel, is just way...
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    In the market for a new bike

    I'm in the market for a new bike and looking for something with a more comfortable riding position. My dream bike is a thruxton r, but I really can't justify spending $15k+ on a bike. I think I've narrowed it down to the following, but not really sure if these bikes will be suitable for me...
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    Parking around York and Harbour

    Thank you very much. I'll check it out.
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    Parking around York and Harbour

    Our office recently relocated to 1 York St. I haven't see any free/street parking around the area. I've been parking at Front and Yonge, but wondering if there is anything closer. Any ideas? :confused:
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    The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread

    Re: Honda CRV hits rider This happens to me every morning on my way to work at the very same exit, right at the split. Very frustrating.
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