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  1. S

    Should I buy out our leased car?

    We leased because at the time we had a business and were able to write-off a portion of the lease payments, insurance, etc. We closed our business after 2 years but had signed a 4 year lease. I don't consider that a mistake. Had we not had a baby this year we would have returned the car and...
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    Should I buy out our leased car?

    I would drive it into the ground if the residual wasn't $20,000. The more I think about this the more I'm leaning towards either: Buy it out using line of credit, sell it for a profit (though I REALLY hate selling anything, and with a fresh baby I may not have the patience) Use said profits...
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    Should I buy out our leased car?

    @GreyGhost : The short drive cycles are also killing my fuel economy. Not to mention each time I want to take the bike out, I start the car, move it forward a few feet to get the bike out, then reverse it and turn it off. Sometimes this happens multiple times in a day. I also did consider...
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    Should I buy out our leased car?

    Have a 4 year lease on a 2018 VW GTI Autobahn with 80,000km allowance. There's about 8 months left on the lease and we've got about 53xxxkm on it. The residual is a little under $20,000. The car has been well kept, fed premium fuel, and aside from a truck/van reversing into it and leaving...
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    How often do you ride?

    Once a week for me. I've also noticed when I do go on a ride, the duration of the ride is gradually reduced. I used to go on 7-8 hour rides frequently when I got my first bike about 11-12 years ago. Now after about an hour or so I start thinking about heading back home for the following...
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    Wiring relay question

    Yes, it's got a 7.5a fuse. I have the SAE cable sticking out from under the seat, so it's easy to plug into the tender anytime I'm not riding. I also bought of those SAE to USB things for emergency charging, so I just plug it into the battery tender port that sticks out from under the seat.
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    Wiring relay question

    I wanted to thank you all for the feedback and suggestions. I managed to wire the relay nicely using the negative terminal on the battery as @Brian P mentioned (it was close and easy to access). I usually plug my bike into a battery tender after every ride (overkill, but my last battery lasted...
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    Wiring relay question

    My bad, I made a type. 85 PIN to ground. I'll try to locate the ground. I thought maybe going to the battery would be fine because it's a low draw device (2.1a usb charger). Thanks for the feedback
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    Wiring relay question

    This is probably a stupid question but I'd like to do this job just once. I recently purchased a USB charger to use on the bike, along with a relay so it "activates" when I turn the key. The relay has 4 pins, and I understand one of the wires needs to go to ground. My question is, should I be...
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    Winterizing in a heated garage

    I overdo it. Here's my annual process: Fill quality gas clean chain deep wash, dry, protective polish/wax lubricate common moving components (kickstand, cables, etc) lubricate the chain lift the bike on front and rear stands change oil with new, cheap oil - reuse old filter check tire pressure...
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    Occasional stutter at 4-5000rpm

    Quick update: looks like problem may be solved. I ran the "12 minute tune" as per TuneECU instructions. I actually left it to idle for 20 minutes for good measure. I've done about 50km so far without any stuttering. Rolling on and off the throttle also seems to have gotten slightly smoother...
  12. S

    Occasional stutter at 4-5000rpm

    My old ninja 636 was the same. All 8 exhaust clearances were well out of spec on the tight end, though that motor had 31,000km on it. All intake ones where within spec. Perhaps it's my riding style? I don't know ??‍♂️. My bikes never see redline. Only reason I immediately noticed the stutter at...
  13. S

    Occasional stutter at 4-5000rpm

    The spec is 0.325mm to 0.375mm I measured/felt anywhere from 0.29 to 0.31. I re-shimmed all 6 valves to anywhere from 0.34 to 0.36 depending on the shims available from the dealer.
  14. S

    Occasional stutter at 4-5000rpm

    The only thing I'm aware of is throttle body syncing, which I've done using the Triumph DealerTool (and TuneECU to make sure they were all in sync). I had to adjust all of the shims on the exhaust side (well out of spec on the tight end). Intake side was okay and within spec. I even used the...
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    Occasional stutter at 4-5000rpm

    I think the manual actually calls for 91 RON, and from what I remember it translates to 87 (or 89) octane. I've been putting in 89 for the past 4 years without issues...until yesterday. I can't imagine 93 octane would cause stuttering though, especially when it only happens between a specific...
  16. S

    Occasional stutter at 4-5000rpm

    No, no. It's just that after I went to Esso to fill-up, starting the bike (engine at operating temp) was strange. It's never done that before. It almost stalled for a split second then corrected itself. I've checked this, but will check again when I make sure the coils are in the plug tight. I...
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    Occasional stutter at 4-5000rpm

    I can't check the gap because they are dual electrode plugs (stock, purchased from dealer), but I will check to make sure the coils are pushed in all the way later today. I remember them being a pain to both take out and put back in when doing the valve adjustment. I read there is also a 12...
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    Occasional stutter at 4-5000rpm

    Hey all, I recently did the required 20k maintenance on my bike, which included: new spark plugs new air filter valve adjustment head bearing adjustment (also re-greased) etc, etc After doing all the work I rode the bike 2-3 times with no issues. I rode it again yesterday and noticed a...
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    Where to get shims, without getting a kit?

    Ended up ordering from the dealer afterall. Turns out pretty much all other shims are made in China. Not to say they're bad, but I'd like to do the job only once and know I won't have issues later. Wiseco, moose, AHL, and more recently hot cams are all made in China. The OEM shims I...
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    Where to get shims, without getting a kit?

    Thanks for the tip. I've bookmarked the page for future reference. Had I seen this msg earlier I would have purchased from them instead. Looks like the eBay seller I purchased from has pretty crummy service (according to Google reviews, not eBay). During my search I learned shims can be made...
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