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  1. lil sushi

    Brampton PowerSports Facebook Photo Challenge

    It's so's like Ebay'll never know who's gonna come in last sec and sweep it all away. There are a lot of good photos in that comp. I'm just lucky to have a lot of supportive friends
  2. lil sushi

    Geek rider? was ok...the effn Cisco course killed me that last sem though...sigh
  3. lil sushi

    Brampton PowerSports Facebook Photo Challenge

    there's something to look at OTHER than the rack?!?
  4. lil sushi

    New Router needed

    My Linksys has not been happy since I moved it...intermittently dropping the signal apparently. I'm never home, but when I'm there it seems to work fine with my netbook.
  5. lil sushi

    New Router needed

    So my new roomie has a macbook... I'm not a big Apple fan...goes against my religion... He hates my Linksys. I can't find a perfect harmonic decision on a new router...any suggestions other than Linksys, cisco, or apple products would be appreciated. Keep in mind between the two of us we've...
  6. lil sushi

    60hz vs. 120hz

    That's awesome...thanks everyone...I'll be TV shopping this weekend...Bag of popcorn and lotsa BestBuy / Future shop etc. hopping LOL... N3wman...I'll keep you in mind for when I need that tv up on the wall...I certainly don't want it falling on the cats.
  7. lil sushi

    Brampton PowerSports Facebook Photo Challenge

    *pukes in mouth a little*
  8. lil sushi

    Brampton PowerSports Facebook Photo Challenge

    O_o it's the asian thing..we all look alike.
  9. lil sushi

    Geek rider? all fairness Google search is my bestie..
  10. lil sushi

    Rider down in wasaga

    Sincerest condolences to her family and friends. RIP.
  11. lil sushi

    Geek rider?

    LOL...This reminds me of the family guy episode: Presenter: Binary is the computer language in which words are translated into sequences of zeroes and ones. Anything at all can be expressed in binary as we demonstrate in this famous scene from 'The Miracle Worker.' Annie Sullivan: 01-10-10-01...
  12. lil sushi

    60hz vs. 120hz

    Nope...don't need their help...just gonna see for all the deets I need..only reason I'm heading there is cuz I have a gift cert =) Those guys work on commission...they'd sell me their soul if they could...=P
  13. lil sushi

    60hz vs. 120hz

    K I'm heading to Futureshop tonight to do a little TV viewing =) Thanks sir!
  14. lil sushi

    60hz vs. 120hz

    I read that Samsung LCD uses LED backlight technology though?
  15. lil sushi

    Brampton PowerSports Facebook Photo Challenge

    Gonna vote for you when I go for lunch...Can't access FB at work =)
  16. lil sushi

    60hz vs. 120hz

    I just moved, and this place is a bit bigger than my last...having said that, it's time to buy another TV. I'll be going for an LCD this time, cuz there's no way in hell I'm moving another Plasma..(FML that thing is as heavy as a baby rhino) In any case, after reading up on TV's nowadays...
  17. lil sushi

    Geek rider?

    Took Comp. Networking and Tech Support in College...would rather write a script then go out clubbin'...did my time as a BOFH...and now have a cushy BA job where I don't have to answer to 2am calls to the DC to troubleshoot the server only to find out it was a faulty port *facepalm* more...
  18. lil sushi

    Running.. ugghh

    Damn boy....You be killin' it...Good on ya... I don't run...not unless there's a KK donut hanging on a string.... I may pose for great lengths to raise money for a good cause though =P
  19. lil sushi

    Brampton PowerSports Facebook Photo Challenge

    LOL...actually I would agree with you...any girl that can put on a bit of makeup and some heels cleans up well and looks nice... The picture is a nice photographer did a great job with the angle (hid the food baby from the nummy hero burger before hand), don't knock his photo yo...
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