ROFLMAO!! All good I'm the peacemaker from Central anyways...=P Just posin' as Eastsider for the cruise and show.
Where's that Ali G clip when you need it?!
K. so this got way outta hand. Let me try to explain once again and put an end to this.
I believe it is unfair that someone who committed an offense, in a situation where there were two random witnesses was not charged. He committed several offenses, 4 traffic violations to be correct, and...
Mine has a charger. Hmmm..ok...Guess it's really only good to page me if someone runs over it with a dump truck..*facepalm* could've bought an exhaust with that money..sigh
I just got my bike back with the "Scorpio RFID SR-i900" installed. I've turned the shock sensor up to level 5 but it still seems like myself or others can sit on my bike without the alarm going off?
Also when the alarm is "armed" and I've tilted the bike up to standing, the tilt sensor doesn't... me...I had gone down the path, legal aid...police disputes...and yeah...basically was told on all fronts that since it's property damage and noone considers this a high priority.
Yes, it's true...I could pursue further...I have instructions from both police and my friend on how to...
LOL...were you honkin' at me on the DVP at some point? I heard a horn but had NO idea where it came from, then was worried I wasn't "seeing" a bike somewhere LOL
Skimmed through most of the posts...I JUST went through the same thing...i totally feel for you. So a few things regarding insurance with a hit and run case:
-Insurance and Law are two separate entities, whether or not the police "catch" her does not affect the way your claim is handled
you: Lunatic on the DVP South, just before Lawrence ramp
me: TWNKI...
Sorry 'bout the slow *** merge I did...a bit rusty not having been on Quinn for 2 months. ;p
IMO...There's not much I can do...
I could file something against him to argue the decision, etc etc. However, I've completely lost faith in the judicial system. If it was anyone else...or someone with less knowledge or stature...I'm positive within the week charges would have been laid...
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