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  1. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    Great ride and nice to meet some new faces! Nice addition to the regular route to add to our library. See you guys either Tues. or Thurs. You talking TN or the route back to Alliston?
  2. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    Guys, We'll set-up a second waypoint at 6:30pm leaving 6:45pm at Bathurst and King SR. SE corner, Shell Gas station. All riders welcome!:)
  3. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    Unless, of course, you were wearing the Lifeline Medical Alert pendant: "I've fallen and I can't get up!":lol: :lol: Good ride guys, till next time.
  4. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    Sorry we missed you man:(, we were in Bolton, huronstation & SR 17:), great riding.
  5. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    R, Can you make it at the Shell (bathurst and king) or the Timmies in Bolton? Pm me if you can, not sure if you have my cell though.
  6. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    I'm in for Sunday, :happy3:. Saturday is kinda iffy. Gonna try and make it for the wings though.
  7. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    Re: York Region Crew (Sounds good eh) Or two! Great riding with the "core" this season. Hopefully we can meet up for beers & wings periodically during the winter, hell maybe we can even witness the Leafs actually win a game or two. Check facebook for winter socials.
  8. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    Kick-*** ride guys!:D Great combination of long sweepers thru hockley valley/mono hills and tight twisties thru Terra Nova. Too bad I was concentrating so much on the turns that I missed that waterfall:(. Wasaga looked like a ghost town, great pics though.:D
  9. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    I'm leaving from Markham at 10am, via Bloomington if anybody wants to meet-up along the way to Schomburg The proposed route: Link...
  10. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    I'll be at Aurora for 6:30pm. Let me know if you can make it or want us to hang till 7pm.:D
  11. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    I'll be there for 10am at Tim's at Yonge and Spruce (south of 16th. ave. SW corner)
  12. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    Squid are marine cephalopods of the order Teuthida, which comprises around 300 species. Like all other cephalopods, squid have a distinct head, bilateral symmetry, a mantle, and arms. Squid, like cuttlefish, have eight arms and two longer tentacles arranged in pairs. (The only known exception is...
  13. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    WTF: :mad:: A point of clarification: our R-hill/Aurora group don't ride with squids.
  14. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    I'll be at Aurora&Woodbine for 6:30
  15. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    For Wednesday's Shopsy's meet, let's all meet at Woodbine and Stouffville Rd., NE corner, Famous Sam's at 7pm.
  16. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    Tuesday looks like rain:confused::(. Anybody in for the Shopsy's meet on wednesday?:p
  17. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    For thursday's ride we'll set-up two meetup points: 1. Yonge&Spruce Tim's @ 6pm: rollout by 6:15pm for the R-hill crew 2. Aurora Rd.&Woodbine @ 6:30pm for the Aurora crew Jailbreak and I will lead the R-hill crew to the second meet-up point to join the Aurora crew and then cruise up to Lake...
  18. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    I'm there, Tim's at Yonge and Spruce ave.,(next street south of 16th.), SW corner.
  19. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    Count me in.
  20. 19vfr71

    Richmond Hill riders?

    Great! I just joined up, Let's get a regular ride going.:cool:
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