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  1. Gel

    I MISS YOU!!! YAAY! You're back tomorrow :)

    I MISS YOU!!! YAAY! You're back tomorrow :)
  2. Gel

    All-you-can-eat asian food tues. nite meet

    Are you going to MIA again??!?!?! Geeeeeze Sam!
  3. Gel

    Word association game

  4. Gel

    Word association game

    funnel cake
  5. Gel

    Hey Sugaaaar, you gots any chocolates?

    Hey Sugaaaar, you gots any chocolates?
  6. Gel


  7. Gel

    All-you-can-eat asian food tues. nite meet

    In, but will likely be caging it today since I'm coming from the airport.
  8. Gel

    Where were you last night? I brought the exacto knife. HAHAHAH I'm joking!

    Where were you last night? I brought the exacto knife. HAHAHAH I'm joking!
  9. Gel

    All-you-can-eat asian food tues. nite meet

    Hahah! When was this yesterday? Oh poor Janice making her ride in the rain and getting a bike wash?? Lol.
  10. Gel

    All-you-can-eat asian food tues. nite meet

    Rain or shine fellaz! Well, I'm hoping more shine and less rain. I'm meeting up with Janice at her place and were going to ride down together. We're looking forward to this ayce and see what the fuss is all about, lol. I'm up to ride afterwards, I'm sure she's up for it as well.
  11. Gel

    Let's be friends :) lol. Let's ride already! Geeeeeeze!

    Let's be friends :) lol. Let's ride already! Geeeeeeze!
  12. Gel

    Hey! Who's the bike hunt? Or did you end up going away?

    Hey! Who's the bike hunt? Or did you end up going away?
  13. Gel

    Hey girl! Lol, thanks! I'll know who to call if & when I'll need that studded belt :)

    Hey girl! Lol, thanks! I'll know who to call if & when I'll need that studded belt :)
  14. Gel

    Word association game

  15. Gel

    I heard your tank is whistling? Haha! The guys at work told me and they loved you btw! Next...

    I heard your tank is whistling? Haha! The guys at work told me and they loved you btw! Next lesson: oil changes. Lol
  16. Gel

    Well excuse me site supporter.

    Well excuse me site supporter.
  17. Gel

    Me? Flip? nahhh.. LOL! I am..

    Me? Flip? nahhh.. LOL! I am..
  18. Gel

    Word association game

  19. Gel

    Word association game

  20. Gel

    Word association game

    4 wheels
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