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  1. P

    Pet dog on a sportbike?

    i dont think i could do that while riding...maybe if i got a goldwing
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    Pet dog on a sportbike?

    not trolling...picturing it in my head sure seems awesome...i guess it wont work
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    Pet dog on a sportbike?

    I was thinking of getting a dog but I only have a bike as a means of transportation. I was wondering if anyone has ever seen a dog with a harness strapped to a rider on a sport bike. I know I have seen dogs on cruisers either in a special seat at the back. Anything out there that could work for...
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    Looking for riders in Etobicoke

    Im near bloor and talking to some other riding buddies and we might meet up at AMC in woodbridge around 8-9ish. If your still interested, we can ride up together
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    Looking for riders in Etobicoke

    anyone up for a ride tonight in West Toronto/Sauga? No where planned in particular, just wanna get out there
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    How is your bikes fuel Economy?

    according to the spec, my 2004 gsxr600 has a 17L tank, and at 150km the fuel indicator light comes on. my gas mileage is pretty bad lol
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    Looking for riders in Etobicoke

    lol my bad
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    Looking for riders in Etobicoke

    Hey all, I just moved to Etobicoke in the bloor and islington area and I am looking for some new friends to ride with? No particular date/time set, just not when its raining :). Anyone interested?
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    Insurance rates after a 172 or careless

    it will double whatever you were paying...and thats the best rate...
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    Motorcycle MP3 Playlist - 2011 Edition

    trance and motorcycles are a very dangerous mix lol
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    Scorpio i1100 Rlink

    So I just received the Scorpio i1100 Rlink alarm in the mail and was really excited to get it installed on my bike. Unfortunately, I made the error of purchasing the product in the US to save money. When I tried to register it for the online tracking data plan, I found out from customer service...
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    hey man, its been a long time. still on the 125?

    hey man, its been a long time. still on the 125?
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    Whats up man? its been a long time. You riding this year? I ll be back out there

    Whats up man? its been a long time. You riding this year? I ll be back out there
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    whats up man? the bikes gonna be out ready?

    whats up man? the bikes gonna be out ready?
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    Word association game

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    What to do when you want to fight your ticket in court (new)

    I received disclosure in the mail but the copy of the tickets came out absolutely unclear, while the officer's notes are legible. Should/can I request disclosure again for the ticket copies? And what is the reason we request the ticket copies? Make sure they haven't written anything on their...
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    What to do when you want to fight your ticket in court (new)

    that's what im doing. im sending in my request for disclosure a month after receiving my notice to appear in court and hoping they dont process it in time and get it to me. if the cop shows up i will ask for a retrial till i receive them or whatever...if he doesnt...i win lol
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    Anyone here been to Amsterdam??

    thanks a lot everyone! very helpful advice
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    Anyone here been to Amsterdam??

    lol clearly i was just giving the thread legitimacy
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    Anyone here been to Amsterdam??

    Hey everyone, I will be going to Amsterdam in August and I was wondering if anyone has been? Good place to stay, must see attractions (besides the obvious lol)? What's this got to do with motorcycles you ask? There's apparently some awesome mountain twisties and I would like to hear from my...
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