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  1. W

    Normal car recommendation….

    The seats in the Nissan Altima are at the forefront of the industry. I love the Altima. Had one, sold it and got a cross over and then ended up going back to the Altima. "Nissan designed the seats with NASA's zero-gravity space travel in mind. In space, the human body naturally holds a neutral...
  2. W

    How much can you drink?

    Cracked Canoe is good for this. Lighter then a light beer. Perfect for when I ride/drive to family BBQs. Also I like the watered down pun in the name.
  3. W

    How much can you drink?

    1/hr then water. If I'm staying for 3 hrs and I have 3 drinks in the first 1.5 hrs then its water the rest of the time. If I drink 3 beers over 3 hrs, no water needed.
  4. W

    Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

    Kind of my point on why people stop arguing with him. Just keep moving the target. He said gas stations can't run when the power goes out, now it's that they don't all change over immediately in a power outage. What is the point that you're trying to argue? That you would rather have an...
  5. W

    Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

    Have you never gone to a gas station during a power outage? lol. They run on generators. People needing fuel during power outages isn't new. They probably stop commenting because of the ridiculousness of your question and realize the pointlessness of arguing with you. Sorry if that sounds rude...
  6. W

    COVID and the housing market

    How can you tell all of that. I tried typing the address in and saw some stuff on their permits but not that kind of detail. I noticed one part that said refusal notice but I don't see anymore info.
  7. W

    COVID and the housing market

    I like your response better so I'll go with it. The competition might not be as tight considering not everyone wants to buy a rental house that can't yet be rented out.
  8. W

    COVID and the housing market

    I read today that CMHC is expecting prices to continue to increase due to the planned extra 1 million people over the next 2 years. No sense in waiting I figure. Going to set up a bank appointment. What everyone's thoughts on this place...
  9. W

    COVID and the housing market

    Looking for some advice from all the money savvy guys on here. I'm thinking about buying a rental property, probably 3-4plex. Currently 37, mortgage scheduled to be paid off in 9 years but with the lump sums I throw at it could be 4-5yrs. I have to renew my mortgage in the fall. Will the bank...
  10. W

    Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

    The EV that was planned for Ford Oakville has continually been postponed and is now being put out to 2026. There is going to be a lot of unemployed people from Ford and all of the suppliers in a few weeks when then the Edge dies waiting to see if the SUV that was originally expected this spring...
  11. W

    Covid-19 Statistics of Child Deaths with the disease

    I don't think that there are too many people getting Covid vax for their kids mainly for the reasons you stated. My wife is an immune compromised health care worker and strongly pro vaccine, mask etc. and even she hasn't ever wanted it for our kids. Most of my friends are got the covid vax but...
  12. W

    Ai future?

    100% agree. Speaking as a robotics manager. I pushed back against people overusing the term AI for years but have recently given up as the term is used so much and it is getting so much closer to actual artificial inteligence. The other one that used to bug me was people saying they designed...
  13. W

    Ai future?

    Definitely delusionally optimistic if you think that businesses will pass savings onto the consumers. Wealth gap will grow as you need less people between the labor and the owners. AI will just enhance big tech's ability to use psychological manipulation to maintain everyone's attention
  14. W

    Blacksmithing Anyone?

    my highschool had a forge and anvil for welding class. It was alot of fun. The forge was built by a previous welding class and just ran off coals with a little compressed air hooked up to an air hockey type bottom.
  15. W

    Harley Davidson 2024 lineup

    I bought mine just before I turned 30. My wife just finished university and had an unused student line of credit as I'd been covering expenses and paying it down as we went. Right before she graduated I emptied the student LOC and bought a Harley.
  16. W

    Please Discuss

    Do you know what country Ottawa is in and policing in Ottawa is nothing to do with the provincial government. Why did all of the court cases, inquiries and mainstream media focus on Ottawa police and not the OPP or the RCMP.
  17. W

    Please Discuss

    Policing in Ottawa is Ottawa's responsibility. The courts, inquiries and mainstream media have collectively not bothered to point fingers at Ford. Your opinion is based entirely on your hate for Ford and has no connection to reality. The federal government doesn't seem to mind putting pressure...
  18. W

    Please Discuss

    Seemed like Doug did OK at getting the ambassador bridge clear. He's dumb but not dumb enough to put him self between Trudeau and the Trudeau haters. Curious how you lay the blame at everyone's feet but the federal government.
  19. W

    Will the real Pierre Poilievre please stand up?

    She also had a pack of Players and spoke about her support of her her teenage son's smoking habit so I think that the beliefs evolved with time just like other religions. Just did a quick google and it looks like her teachings were legit to the beliefs...
  20. W

    Will the real Pierre Poilievre please stand up?

    When I was in high school I took a world religions class and an Ojibway woman came in to tell us about their beliefs. Among other things that she said were symbolized by the 4 colours of the medicine wheel she mentioned that the colours can also symbolize 4 races and that: -red people were put...
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