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  1. Aisu

    Bike stands on sale in Canadian Tire

    wow man what is that thing?
  2. Aisu

    Gsxr 600 Boston pizza guy

    f4rascal: i'm still pretty shocked tha it's still alive. I just checked it today and there's tons of ppl still posting here ahahahaha. No wonder why everyone thinks im a big stalker *shrugs*. 2 infinity and BEYOND anth1414: we're not love birds! we never met cuz i didnt go back to that boston...
  3. Aisu

    Post up PICS of members bikes?

    naw guy that wasn't me, I've been home all day :). You'll know me compared to most ex250's out there because I have flush mount turns left and right and my rear decals have been removed. Also if you look at the left side of my bike you'll see the touch up paint :P. Also I have a 4 to 1 muzzy...
  4. Aisu

    Post up PICS of members bikes?

    BAM freshly waxed
  5. Aisu

    Gsxr 600 Boston pizza guy

    at least i'm not bibo
  6. Aisu

    Gsxr 600 Boston pizza guy

    you guys are totally dirty. This thread was pretty funny tho.
  7. Aisu

    Gsxr 600 Boston pizza guy

    LOL sexydawg69 ahahahahah. Im not stalking guys im just trying 2 figure out who he was so i can go riding with him. I got his e-mail but the hand writing was pretty ghetto
  8. Aisu

    Gsxr 600 Boston pizza guy

    Um this is a wild shot but i met this dude afew nights ago I think it was friday n he works at boston pizza by scarborough town. I was in my riding gear n was riding my ex250. The dude gave me his e-mail but the writing is like sandscript or something cuz i can't make it out. If by any chance...
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