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  1. JohnnyP636

    Post A Picture Of Your Latest Purchase

    That's what I thought, your not even allowed to change the size of the rotors right? Too bad I love the way they look on the newer style swingarms , WSBK style
  2. JohnnyP636

    Post A Picture Of Your Latest Purchase

    Is this for your ZX10 race bike? Do your rules allow you to change it? I run a ZX10 under swingarm Brembo on my ZX6R that I modified to fit the 6 Problem is with 6 spoke Kawasaki wheels on some years the hub diameter is too large to fit the caliper without aftermarket wheels. I already had...
  3. JohnnyP636

    Are Brake Rotor Bolts Reusable?

    I dont use my torque wrench for a lot of larger steel on steel fastening, but when tightening a small diameter steel fastener into aluminum threads its a really good idea. I know of a few sport bikes that use a 6mm thread for rotor bolts, U can snap the head off fairly easily when you dont use...
  4. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? Great! Cause cleaning them is my least favorite part....They should have a dry cleaning service for guns
  5. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? You still dont get it, we were talking about something different then you are....You did just say "shows almost no wear" so you do have slight wear, which is what I was saying in the first place. I never said my GLocks have bad or excessive wear, but you...
  6. JohnnyP636

    Useless oil filter wrench

    Ive had the Leslie cap style for years now, works every time Strap wrench only works well when you have a lot of room to use them properly, which on my Kawi would be nearly impossible or just really awkward
  7. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? Looking good, nice contrast with the red Speaking about metal guns with nice triggers, hoping to get out soon to try my new toy. Its a 2lb SA
  8. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? Hey why don't you buy one, put a few thousand rounds through it and let us know how it does...LOL Im just waiting for some first hand feedback before Im ready to drop the $300
  9. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? I said my Glocks show signs of wear, I didn't say excessive wear did I? Just like in the picture there are signs of metal on metal sliding wear on mine. I have a few thousand rounds through my G17 also, but its a OEM Glock frame. My issue is with the...
  10. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? Yes I know CTCS has them but BLACK is sold out in that link, like I said they sold out fast.... Personally I bought a Gen4 17 for my first pstol, then a I got a gen3 19, and now I prefer the Gen3 over Gen4, if/when I buy another Glock it will be Gen3...
  11. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? Maxim might be the cheapest option for you since you don't need the bcg, and you can buy it without a BCG or expensive buffer system I'll measure both tonight
  12. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? Like I said it was mostly their BCG that turned me off, worst attempt at gas key stacking I've seen so far LOL And their buffer rubber bumper on the back was cut with a hand saw, not made specific for the stock kit, literally looked like someone hacked...
  13. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? Id have to wait till I get home to measure the TROY rails, I have the BAD stock here at my shop I installed on my lower to play with but removed it and put it back in the box waiting for the rest of the parts. Id say they are really close though, based...
  14. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? Well I haven't actually got to shoot it yet, because I was waiting on some parts from Brownells to finish off the upper. I finally got them last Sat, but then I bought a new pistol online, so I am waiting for the pistol to come in before I hit the range...
  15. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? They sold out too fast LOL Id like to play with one, just to see how long it lasts without any metal inserts in the slide rails......
  16. JohnnyP636

    Post A Picture Of Your Latest Purchase

    That looks really cool! I thought that was an internal magazine but in other pictures I saw it uses a pistol magazine Sucks about the barrel length, but do they allow us in Canada to do the same thing in the US I see guys doing? Where they are able to add a muzzle device that is pinned onto...
  17. JohnnyP636

    where to get custom spacers made?

    Ive done this many times for many different projects swapping wheels from different bikes. I have always done the math, drawn up a simple sketch with the dimensions, and just my local machine shop turn me up some spacers to my specs... If you are capable of doing the math and coming up with the...
  18. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? If the M&P is in Canada, I put my money on you getting that first. No matter what type of shipping you used or where in Canada..LOL Both my Brownells packages are late, both shipped Express. I got packages shipped from Alberta using Canadapost regular...
  19. JohnnyP636

    Are Brake Rotor Bolts Reusable?

    If your worried about their steel, would you not be just as worried about their aluminum......
  20. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? Ugh I didn't want to hear that name today! Brownells/UPS screwed me on a package I am waiting for to put my upper together, I got everything I need besides my gas block and optic mount which I ordered from Brownells 8 days ago. I selected Express UPS...
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