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  1. JohnnyP636

    Rounded drain plug

    Id assume he took the picture from the bottom looking upwards
  2. JohnnyP636

    Powder Coating Basic Question

    Id be surprised if it worked good, considering my professional powder coating gun cost us $5000....I think you will need a lot of patience when using cheaper equipment , because even if it works they usually have problem with complex parts where the powder doesnt want to go where you need it to...
  3. JohnnyP636

    MotoGP 2017

    I will probably get some bad karma for this, but I am really enjoying watching Lorenzo struggle and fail on the Ducati. I don't think he had any idea he would start off this badly on that bike
  4. JohnnyP636

    Removing Powder Coat

    That helps but is not the right way, if I am forced to coat over powder without stripping I do scuff the base coat. However powder is designed to adhere to bare metal or to 1/2 cured powder for double or triple coat colors. I personally dont see the point of spending the time and money on a nice...
  5. JohnnyP636

    Removing Powder Coat

    You are correct I can coat over previously coated parts, but it is not the right way to do it and I will not give you any promises on the finish if you make me do it that way. Once a powder is fully baked/cured another coat will not properly adhere to the 1st coat. That is why all 2 coat colors...
  6. JohnnyP636

    Removing Powder Coat

    You do not want to sand blast powder coat, first of all its way too tough, so it will take forever. Then because it is so tough you will make waves in the metal, especially on aluminum parts. I have had this done in the past when a set of car rims didn't come out the way Id like. And everything...
  7. JohnnyP636

    ecu flash

    I just had one done with Jason Britton/No Limit Motorsports in California for $200 US, they use Flashtune ( kit to do the flashing. I used him specifically because he already has a tune specific to the bike/exhaust/and style of riding I needed it for. Looks like $200 US is the going...
  8. JohnnyP636

    Frame sliders and loctite

    Loctite never had a problem, I have Woodcraft sliders I use loctite on almost everything when I can Its a 10mm bolt normally, using locite or not isnt going to make a big enough difference in torque setting to strip the threads IMO Id be more worried about what kind of torque wrench your...
  9. JohnnyP636

    2009 ZX6R Rectifier/Receiver/Stator Coil

    Been through this on your bike 20 times If the stator coil is bad you should be able to see it with a visual inspection, remove your stator cover and look at the stator coil wiring, if its gone bad you will see obvious signs of burning on the coating on the wires At a dealer $1000 is about...
  10. JohnnyP636

    PSA – Don't be a squid

    You dont need a hand brake for what he was doing, its called staggered position, only his left foot is on the rear passenger peg. His right foot is still on the riders peg and he should have been able to control the rear foot brake. Hand brake is for other types of wheelie where you dont have...
  11. JohnnyP636

    Bent key

    I have read people say many times that key codes are on the ignition, I have owned many Kawis and there was never a code on the ignition. Maybe a part number for the ignition housing or casting, but not a code for the actual lock inside. I doubt they would make it that easy, putting a key code...
  12. JohnnyP636

    Bent key

    If you dont have the key tag that comes with the 2 keys when you buy the bike from a dealer, you can try taking the broken key to a key place. Not Canadian Tire! They are butchers with very little training/experience on making keys especially motorcycle keys. I have broken a few Kawasaki keys...
  13. JohnnyP636

    Runaway stunt bike

    A sport bike should never have its chain adjusted with as much slack in it as a MX bike, because they don't have nearly as much rear suspension travel. So under normal circumstances its not required, a guard can be added but a guide is not necessary, and would cause some drag and excessive noise...
  14. JohnnyP636

    Runaway stunt bike

    Many people add what is advertised as a finger/foot saver to try and prevent getting caught in the chain/sprocket
  15. JohnnyP636

    Sprocket swap !!!

    for an 05 ZX6R that is stock gearing and chain size 15T front 43T rear and 520 pitch Your choice if 14T is too small, some people like it some people say its too small....You can get one easily though, 13 youd have a very hard time finding a company that makes one that small... Ive ran a 14...
  16. JohnnyP636

    Runaway stunt bike

    People rarely remove them completely, but for tricks like high chairs etc where there is a high likelyhood of hitting it with your legs shutting the engine off in a wheelie while sitting on the tank. People either move them to a harder to reach location or simply rotate them so they are on the...
  17. JohnnyP636

    Sprocket swap !!!

    what is your budget? I suggest always changing sprockets and chains as a set, because they are mating parts they all wear together. Putting an old chain on new sprockets will not get you the best life span out of your sprockets. As the wear in the chain will affect your new sprockets, it wont...
  18. JohnnyP636

    Sprocket swap !!!

    Most ZX6R come with a stock 16 T front so going down to 15 is not at issue. 14 yes it gets a little tight and I dont like doing the 14, but 15 is no problem...I do the font on my tack bike because it allows me to change my gearing slightly for different tracks without having to cut my chain or...
  19. JohnnyP636

    Sprocket swap !!!

    FYI All zx6r are 520 from OEM, at least since 2003 that is as far back as my experience with them goes
  20. JohnnyP636

    America is still the Wild West!

    short shorts got dropped LOL
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