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  1. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? When I got my lic I wanted to buy a handgun so bad, online Id get stuck at the payment page where it said gun club. It wouldnt let me go further without imputing a club, and I didnt want to lie. So I called a local shop, they told me I do not have to be...
  2. JohnnyP636

    Can not renewing a plate sticker make a bike no longer street-legal for new owner?

    Your talking about bikes that are street legal from the factory, he is asking about a bike that was originally an off road only vehicle, that was converted to street legal before the loop hole in Ontario was closed 2006ish Totally different scenario, you can buy a street legal Yamaha WR250 at...
  3. JohnnyP636

    K series Vee Belts

    Motion worked for me more then once for special hard to find items, but I am on Timberlea also so I just walked in to get what I needed Had to buy a box 10 when I only needed one, but they had them...And for me loosing a day of production costs more then buying more then I needed
  4. JohnnyP636

    check my youtube channel about motorcycles , dirt bikes , atvs

    Raise your camera angle, watching front fender and 5ft of trail in front with every ones head cut off sucks after a few seconds...Some clips were ok, but a lot of it had the camera pointing at the ground
  5. JohnnyP636

    Media blasting (not sand) in Durham?

    What kind of media? Walnut shells, aluminum oxide, glass, plastic beads, etc etc ? All are types of media, sand is a general term that get tossed around but I don't know anyone that actually shoots sand at parts. Media is a term used to describe many different abrasive meterials used to media...
  6. JohnnyP636

    Wheelie Machine
  7. JohnnyP636

    Wheelie Machine

    Old dealer in Mississauga Envy Rides built one to have at one of the stunt shows we did for them, if I remember correctly it was a 06+ GSXR 600 they had on it....Lots of people were paying $20 or $30 to ride it for 5 minutes, and some people were having problems getting it up in a wheelie and...
  8. JohnnyP636

    Wheelie Machine

    The one I tried sucked, it did wheelies no problem but it was nothing like doing a real wheelie. Honestly can't see learning anything besides the feeling of being on the bike while in a wheelie angle. The way the bike reacted to throttle and brake input was totally different then the real thing...
  9. JohnnyP636

    What's the average wage for a licensed motorcycle mechanic in Toronto vs car mechanic

    If you work as a mechanic at a dealer, you generally have work all year round as they dont just sell and service motorcycles only. When the season changes your also working on ATV, Snow mobiles, Lawn equipment, etc etc Im not a mechanic by profession, but I do work on the side for people I...
  10. JohnnyP636

    Const. James Forcillo shot Sammy Yatim - the trial

    Maybe its common sense maybe its training? IMO however I do not see a person trying to get up and attack, I see someone who just took multiple .40 cal to the body dying on the ground. He didnt shoot him in the head, so it was not an instant death, or painless. So yeah the kid is rolling around...
  11. JohnnyP636

    Const. James Forcillo shot Sammy Yatim - the trial

    Its crazy to think anyone can watch that and not think he did anything wrong. I mean the amount of time he takes to pause between shots, and yet he just keeps shooting him slowly but repeatedly. No one else firing just him, over and over slowly, just like target practice .....I just dont get it...
  12. JohnnyP636

    Const. James Forcillo shot Sammy Yatim - the trial

    Re: James Forcillo guilty of attempted murder!!! +1 soon to be swept under the rug and forgotten, and likely nothing actually done to prevent this from happening again. Business as usual! shoot first ask question later, and still get paid LOL
  13. JohnnyP636

    Selling a bike in winter - how to demonstrate running properly?

    Well I own a 2013 with only 4000km on it, basically it's a mint engine. And even that would sound like **** if I started it outside in the cold, especially since it hasn't been started in months. So it's just a suggestion to get it nice and running warm before they come, not right before so it's...
  14. JohnnyP636

    Selling a bike in winter - how to demonstrate running properly?

    Warm the engine up to normal operating temp before the potential buyer arrives to see it. That way when you go to start it for them to hear the engine, it starts easily and doesn't seem as hard to start as it would be from dead cold. Also should make the engine sound quieter then from a dead...
  15. JohnnyP636

    Const. James Forcillo shot Sammy Yatim - the trial

    So 9 for 9 next time with an AR, no more missed shots from a pistol. Jokes aside probably better then the previous option for a 2nd firearm which was a shotgun Just the timing is funny with the media recently portraying the AR variants as weapons of mass destruction, that no law abiding citezen...
  16. JohnnyP636

    brake bleeding theory

    Yeah you need the "barbed" end fitting to hold a hose onto it. Most come with just a tappered fitting with no barbing and a hose will just slide off......That is what is under that red barbed fitting in the picture, before you screw in a fitting or a needle Just reminded me I have a larger...
  17. JohnnyP636

    brake bleeding theory

    You have a bleed nipple on your rear caliper, at the banjo bolt. so that should be an easy adaption, a simple hose from the syringe to the bleeder should work. Its really only a hassle when your brake components dont come with bleed nipples, then you need specific adapters to adapt to your...
  18. JohnnyP636

    brake bleeding theory

    I really only use it on mini motorcycle brakes on little bikes, the brake components are really small but just like big motorcycle components. The theory should work on a bigger setup if you were able to make the correct adapters to mount to your calipers or master cylinder. Its like Brembo for...
  19. JohnnyP636

    Const. James Forcillo shot Sammy Yatim - the trial

    And now they are getting "assault weapons", let the bodies hit the floor
  20. JohnnyP636

    Const. James Forcillo shot Sammy Yatim - the trial

    Was at the range last week, beside a York region police officer, had a little chat. Asked him how many times he has to practice shooting, he said only once a year as all the other police I have asked have said. Any more then that is on your own dime, but this guy was an actual firearms...
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