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  1. FitzR6

    Extortion by shop? Breach of privacy by cop?

    So here is the story... 1) My friend went to a shop to check out a bike in the west end of Toronto. 2)They gave him the keys and told him to take it for a spin, no plates, no insurance. 3) He started the bike and started to pull out. As he got onto the street the throttle got stuck open on...
  2. FitzR6

    Rider down Mayfield & Stonegate

    Looks like thee Van made a left in front of him. GWS rider!
  3. FitzR6

    Lost my GoPro Hero 2!!!

    That sux man, them buggers are hella expensive too!
  4. FitzR6

    victim of Road Rage, hit and run by a coworker, how should I handle this?

    What an insane story. I am just wondering what options you are considering other than contacting the cops?
  5. FitzR6

    NEW HTA LAWS: Open visor/ One hand handlebars

    I recently heard that starting this season cops are issuing tickets for the following: 1)riding with one hand on handlebar (careless driving) 2)riding with visor's open (distracting other motorist) Can anyone confirm these? Or provide a link to up to date HTA.
  6. FitzR6

    2012_04_19 Rider Down Neilson & Sheppard

    Hey everyone, I am doing much better, I am finally able to piss and walk around on my own again. I have regained alot of the feeling in my left arm but is it still numb, and my surviving testie seems to be okay. Here are some pics I wanted to share as we mostly only think about the fun part of...
  7. FitzR6

    Sharing lanes at a stop light, who goes first?

    Whoever got there first, unless waved to go ahead by rider who was there first.
  8. FitzR6

    respects to this dude!

    That guy has definitely directed traffic before. Maybe he is in police foundations?
  9. FitzR6

    Guy highsides FZ6 to prove a point

    He also did a lowside on a scooter without any gear ...
  10. FitzR6

    Its been 1 year since the accident, court update.

    Hey man, the criminal outcome to this may not be as severe as you would of wanted it to be but provided you had insurance coverage, you can sue for your pain and suffering. For me this seems fair cause the driver did make a stupid thing pulling out in front of you like that but that does not...
  11. FitzR6

    Looking for a bandana substitute?

    Go to any bike shop, they should have different options.
  12. FitzR6

    The Bro Code listed!!

    LOL nice
  13. FitzR6

    Somali pirates... pwned.

    This point of view is classic, you definitely have your facts straight.
  14. FitzR6

    insurance for triumph daytona 675 or 955

    I had an '09 Daytona 675, my rate was $179 per month with SF. I am 29 y/o male, living inToronto, 2 tickets.
  15. FitzR6

    Egypt loves their sex with dead bodies.

    lol good read!
  16. FitzR6

    Stunters INC 2012 Season opener!!!!

    private vid!
  17. FitzR6

    2012_04_19 Rider Down Neilson & Sheppard

    Re: Rider down Nielson and Sheppard @Veno The driver was charged with careless diving. @AGAVE & @AF4iK thanks for the jokes lol
  18. FitzR6

    2012_04_19 Rider Down Neilson & Sheppard

    Re: Rider down Nielson and Sheppard Thank you for the well wishes everyone!
  19. FitzR6

    2012_04_19 Rider Down Neilson & Sheppard

    Re: Rider down Nielson and Sheppard Hi everyone, the OP is speaking about my accident, I was going south on Neilson when a cager turned left in front of me. The lights were green and there was no rush for her to turn when she did. My bike is totaled and so are my arms. I also lost a...
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