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  1. FitzR6

    Scarborough shooting

    Okay, who is surprised that a shooting happened at a Morningside and Lawrence block party? Definitely the place to be if you are looking to get shot!
  2. FitzR6

    A warning about beer and riding an SS: I learned a hard lesson :(

    Cool story bro. No really, cool story!
  3. FitzR6

    Riccardo Russo epic fail

    bwahahaha What a guy!
  4. FitzR6

    Saw myself a police chase first hand...

    ...but then you would be referring to I.Q. and not maturity. Jus' sayin' ...
  5. FitzR6

    Triumph Daytona 675

    I had an '09 R6 and an '09 675. The R6 was very aggressive with a "raw" powerplant. I prefer the 675 because it had more than enough power for street riding while remaining refined and smooth. 675 Pro's: Very slim bike, unique design, cool cluster, low end torque, handling 675 Con's: no...
  6. FitzR6

    UPS : if I don't pay what happens

    Four letters U S P S
  7. FitzR6

    To anyone who parks under the bridge at Rogers OMP

    I spoke with the maintenance guys about parking our bikes there and they said the property manager did not want us parking there because liability issues. Sounded like Bologna to me but it is private property so they can do as they like for whatever reason they choose really.
  8. FitzR6

    Post count reduced.

    What's more important, post count or join date? just curious
  9. FitzR6

    shooting on college st

    Let's hope they catch the corn rowed gangstas who did this shooting as well.
  10. FitzR6

    R6 idiot

  11. FitzR6

    R6 idiot Wow idiot is an understatement!
  12. FitzR6

    Justice at its finest!!

    Now that is what chuck Norris would do haha
  13. FitzR6

    GoPro remote

    Cool toy but I still prefer the LCD
  14. FitzR6

    So i nailed a bunny last night...

    This is what I thought you you nailed...
  15. FitzR6

    Eaton Center shooting

    My point exactly. I will pass on getting my information from the news. Anyhow, they caught the dood so... the city is safe again?
  16. FitzR6

    Eaton Center shooting

    LoL you should stop playing so much grand theft auto and get out more...
  17. FitzR6

    Eaton Center shooting

    ***Sigh*** so sad you think shootings are alright so long as it's "gangsta" on "gangsta" shootings. What you classify as a "gangsta" interest me but this is not the place for that debate.
  18. FitzR6

    Day 1 of MSF: my thoughts on my day

    It's only been one day, give it some time. The fatigue will not be a factor after about a week, the controls will be like second nature. The CBR 125 has such little power that you will stall easier than with a 600CC as low speeds however with the lighter bike you will gain a higher level of...
  19. FitzR6

    Did YOU lose a sportbike passenger seat?

    If it is Red/Orange it is my friends. He lost it on our ride from Whitby to North York.
  20. FitzR6


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