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  1. ungoloth

    Hello, Anyone moved from M1 to M directly?

    I liked it better back in the day. Circa 1980, if you made it around the block you were handed a "M". Good thing a serious bike was only 85hp then.
  2. ungoloth

    Blue plating an enduro

    I know service Ontario can answer but thought some of you would like to chime in. I'm considering purchasing a Kaw 300 KLX enduro and blue plating it. I was told by another rider that one cannot use the bike off road or use the trail system if it's blue plated. I'm finding this difficult to...
  3. ungoloth

    Vernier Calipers

    Starrett are and likely always will be the best measuring tool, but the cost is heavy. Mitutoyo is also higher quality and are usually more affordable than Starrett. I have a small fortune in measuring tools from my machinist days 35 years ago. I found dial and digital displays often get in the...
  4. ungoloth

    Where do you guys go for new tires?

    If you cannot change them yourself, buy them from someone who can. I get them from Royal Distributing or Pete's or whoever has the best price and change them myself. Some shops play the liability card and won't touch them unless bought there.
  5. ungoloth

    What did you do in your garage today..?

    I got the race day package on sale for $777 us
  6. ungoloth

    Portelance Rd., Capreol to RT. 560

    Right past my fishing spot (Burwash lake). In the 70's we did this road with our 4x4 trucks quite often. Fond memories --- when gas was sold by the gallon.
  7. ungoloth

    What did you do in your garage today..?

    Assembled my new Nomar tire changer today! Also ordered a new road6 rear tire from Pete's. I realize it's going to take centuries for this to pay for itself but I always wanted this tool. I guess I should expect more friends now? lol.
  8. ungoloth

    Advice on purchasing new tires?

    I gave up on super sport tires years ago. They don't last a full season. I discovered Michelin Road 5 tires a few years ago and love them. You would have to be Johnathan Rea to know the difference between R5 and SS. I can break them free if there is some dust or sand on the road but traction...
  9. ungoloth

    Where did the oil go?

    In this case One is forced to be reasonable since it's installed horizontally and some oil spills out (at least a few oz) prior to sealing.
  10. ungoloth

    Target Fixation

    I've always been torn between being high vis and target fixation. I have been read ended twice at traffic lights in my 42 years of riding with lower visibility riding gear but am sceptical of being fixated on with high vis. Motorcycle riding is something like horse riding, the bike (or horse)...
  11. ungoloth

    Where did the oil go?

    Update. I took my Son-inlaw's (Ford mechanic) and Wind Shear's advice and installed another filter. It just so happens that I have a stainless steel Flo, filter that I was always afraid to use. I installed said Flo after filling it with oil. Problem solved. I won't be using Kawasaki filers...
  12. ungoloth

    Where did the oil go?

    I'm at a loss. Probably because I'm a bit emotional over this problem. I changed the oil and filter on my 2019 Kaw ZX10R as I've done more than a few times in the past. I drained out the oil, changed the filter, torque as required and added 3 1\2 to less than 4L of new oil. I can see the new...
  13. ungoloth

    Elephant lake road/Peterson road

    No sand and enjoyable on ELR. Peterson road is mostly clear but this winter must have been rough as it's bouncy. I saw what looks like construction equipment staging on Peterson rd. Maybe resurfacing in the near future? happy apexes.
  14. ungoloth

    507 and hwy 3

    The first few km's on 507 are a bit rough and bouncy but after that it's all good. #3 is bouncy and should be resurfaced. Happy apexes!
  15. ungoloth

    Check your license plate expiration

    my F250 renewal was close to $260. Heavy duty vehicle is a different deal.
  16. ungoloth

    Need new tires

    I can't wait until I can afford a NoMar tire changer!
  17. ungoloth

    80s bikes... your favorite?

    I had an 1985 900 Ninja and an 84 750 Kaw turbo. I loved the turbo as it seemed exotic and rare for it's time.
  18. ungoloth

    Motul 5100 vs 7100

    Just change the oil and filter every 5000k ( unless your racing). Motul, amsoil, rottelaT5 or 6 is all good. I'm sure all premier brands of oil never had an engine failure if there is no abuse.
  19. ungoloth

    Chain Lube

    Unfortunately a chain drive system is open to atmosphere. It's going to get dirty because the road is as well. The back tire is going to fling dirt into the chain. Fortnine had a good YouTube video about the subject of chain lube. For myself, I use what ever half empty can, grease, oil combo...
  20. ungoloth

    Sur Ron Electric Bikes

    Admit Jet Armor, is interesting. Seems like a much better bike with no needed upgrades at about half the price. This segment is getting interesting and is developing much faster than ice bikes. Sent from my SM-G970W using mobile app
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