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  1. Evol

    Brampton powersports closing

    I go to their annual demo days for Honda, Yamaha and Suzuki. And after Kahuna Power Sports closed down, Brampton Power has been the nearest "large format" store to check out. Sad to see them go. We still have Snow City Cycle and Ready Power Sports at least....
  2. Evol

    Road Tolls coming to Toronto

    Whatever, I get to Toronto faster by taking local anyways.
  3. Evol


    Time for me to buy the dip!
  4. Evol

    Carpal tunnel repair...too many years riding and computing

    lol that's why they used the euphemism, "procedure" instead of surgery so they don't scare you. Because once you think of the word surgery you think of laying on your back with doctors slicing you open with sharp objects.
  5. Evol

    What games do you play?

    I will be playing this next month when it comes out end of November. Damn, it's been so long since I've played a JRPG...... Probably been a while since I've played ANY game actually. This trailer had a 'Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain' touch to it.
  6. Evol


    Smoke weed everyday!
  7. Evol

    When does Black ice start?

    "One must keep in mind that, just because black ice looks different than white ice doesn't make it any more dangerous."
  8. Evol


    I think I saw you there with Napster90. Bumped into Mango Rider and JollyGreen as well, it was a good night.
  9. Evol

    Time to get back on the road!

    What does the scouter say about your power level?
  10. Evol

    Insurance quote for a supersport 22 year old

    I can confirm that Joe has been to the meets. (Only vouching for burrito boyz Woodbridge though, I haven't seen Joe at the other meets). I've yet to see your "purple rain" Joe.
  11. Evol


    The secret location has been revealed. WED | OCT 5 | 8-10PM PROPELLER COFFEE & BADDIES TORONTO 50 WADE AVE. + 679 LANDSOWNE AVE. SEASON FINALE See you all there..
  12. Evol

    Looking for riders to participate in a popular Canadian Culinary Competition Series

    Thanks for the invitation Cutekill. Even though I was unable to eat anything (well just the fries), I had a great time and experience. Was also good to see you in person, another rider pointed out who you were. Got to meet 3 celebrity chefs (Claudio Aprile, Michael Bonacini and Alvin Leung)...
  13. Evol

    Hover Technology!

    I'm not talking about those ****** "hoverboards" on 2 wheels that roll on the ground. I'm talking about this: Would you guys give up your bike for one of these? Or perhaps when they invent a hover motorcycle. Or would you prefer to stay on the...
  14. Evol

    Any Richmond Hill Riders?

    This is like the 3rd thread for the general vicinity of this area..... Are there that many riders in the East York Region area? Yes, for the 3rd time R-hill/Markham/York Region rider here. Region doesn't matter to me though, I meet up with people from Maple, Toronto and Brampton to go riding...
  15. Evol

    16 yr old insurance advice

    He's not trolling, he asked the same question on the GTAM facebook group page. The kid actually looks 16 and his parents are probably loaded and buying him the bike. First off, most insurance companies won't even consider insuring you at a reasonable rate (or consider insuring you at all), on...
  16. Evol

    Swarm of motorcyclezw spotted in gta

    Re: Swarm of motorcycles spotted in gta I use to wear a hi-viz vest, usually at the start of the season after not riding for a few months. Now I'm thinking of just decking my suit, helmet and bike with lights to look like something straight out of a TRON movie. I've seen some other products...
  17. Evol

    Looking for riders to participate in a popular Canadian Culinary Competition Series

    I'm in if they have vegan options. Otherwise, I wouldn't mind just showing up to look at the food, point out which two booths interest me the most and have another rider go for seconds in my stead.
  18. Evol

    Swarm of motorcyclezw spotted in gta

    Re: If you participated in this ride smarten up!!!!! Really now?? Someone in the Ride/Hook-ups section is going on plenty of dates from what I hear.
  19. Evol

    Cop waits over an hour and a half to ticket us.

    So, what you're telling me is you haven't been paying your taxes. What happened indeed.
  20. Evol

    Guy Kills Himself Rear-Ending Moving Tractor Trailer In Highway (Video)

    This wouldn't be GTAM if there wasn't a bunch of us over-analyzing lol.
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