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  1. Evol

    Replacing Gauges

    Anyone know a good aftermarket place(or places) in Toronto to get work done on your bike? Or do you guys order parts from web-stores? List some sites as well. I'm thinking about replacing my speedometer gauges since it started to crack and getting a turn signal conversion kit to have it tucked...
  2. Evol

    When is too cold to ride your bike?

    As someone mentioned. Everyone is different, it depends on your tolerance level. I've seen people whip out their bikes within this month and other riders tell me they are 'fairweather' riders, meaning they will only ride on perfect days. So it all comes down to how adventurous you are...
  3. Evol

    Motorcylist with itansha (痛単車) Anime Body Kit

    LOL I spotted your bike again this year! So it was a 600 F4i
  4. Evol

    new rider excited but nervous :)

    Welcome to GTA motorcycle. Remember to motorcycle suit up! Just practice in an empty parking lot you'll pick it back up in no time.
  5. Evol

    New (used) car suggestions?

    I've been told the CSX is just an expensive Civic with leather seats, power everything and a bit of HP. Going JDM is always a wise choice. My opinion you're better off with a TL (Type-S if anything). LOL and if Civics are out of the question. That's EXACTLY what you're getting with a
  6. Evol

    The future of motorcyles

    Yay or Nay? Would you guys want to grab one of these babies? The aesthetics and riding position I can get use to, it's something I wouldn't mind riding.
  7. Evol

    Kony 2012

    Don't buy into the hype people. There's something that's off about this KONY 2012 thing.
  8. Evol

    Video game nostalgia thread

    LOL Funny thing was, I was just looking up Legend of Zelda, Earthbound and Chrono Trigger on E-Bay to see how much they are worth today. And now I stumble upon this thread. 100th monkey effect anyone? Earthbound factory sealed mint brand new goes for $5,999...
  9. Evol

    Word association game

  10. Evol

    Word association game

  11. Evol

    Late night thread

    My name is Evol and I am a SUPER SAIYAN!
  12. Evol

    Only in Amerika

    Yep, they're already talking about Ontario on the verge of becoming the next "Greece" Remember folks. We are America Jr. Whatever happens to them we're only a few steps away from following. The collapse will...
  13. Evol

    This is why I have a dash cam

    Ragu: I'm not really scared for myself..... He's full of ***** mate! You can tell he's scared from his tone of voice and his inability to create a coherent sentence. And he brings in "Ohh the little kids...." so we could build sympathy for a scumbag scammer. I admit, the posters were a little...
  14. Evol

    This is why I have a dash cam

    Oh man! Once you end up on 4chan it's GG!
  15. Evol

    Mississauga Vs. Toronto women

    Women....a true mystery indeed.
  16. Evol

    Mississauga Vs. Toronto women

    LOL My thoughts exactly!
  17. Evol

    Valentines Day - mutual or just for women?

    $60 for a dozen is a RIP OFF...You can get some at No Frills for like $12 or something. Works out to $1 a rose.
  18. Evol

    Tough Mudder?

    A friend already posted this up on FB. If we can get a team of 6 we will sign up so far we have 4/6. I use to be in the military and was thinking about going Special Forces anyway. Better to get a taste of that hell week training.
  19. Evol

    Bicycles... I want one... Suggestions/Recommendations?

    Thanks for the info guys. This will be useful down the road for me too.
  20. Evol

    This is why I have a dash cam

    LOLOLOL So fake and gay. Thank you OP for sharing this information with us. I'll be more cautious out there in this scamming society we live in. And I agree with other poster we should do a group buy or something. What do you guys think about GoPro Hero HD camera? Too expensive? Any good?
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