I've been eyeing up the Tacoma for quite some time now. The poor gas milage is holding me back... Hoping for a re-redesign in 2021, they pumped a lot of money into the plant where they're being built so I am expecting some changes. It's the only "truck" I like, not sure what exactly it is about...
So it seems this is supposedly in effect as of July 1. Here's the relevant snippet:
"Various changes to regulations under the Highway Traffic Act will:
Expand the type of off-road vehicles permitted on roads to include off-road motorcycles, dirt bikes and extreme-terrain vehicles, commonly...
And in case it get's taken down eventually, here's the description. Would you buy this bike? :D
"THIS.IS.THE.ONE! The bike Donald Trump himself wheelied off into the sunset when he left Ivana...
You can custom mold a mount with some marine epoxy, then use 3M to hold your newly fabricated mount to the helmet. You want it mounted right in the center and with no arms so you have no vibrations. The Hero 7 can be had for $300 (Kijiji) and the quality/stabilization is great. Personally, I...
I'll only ride in leather, as long as it's perforated and you have some speed it doesn't get too hot.
Going full squid in shorts/t-shirt is also very pleasurable at times, but feels "wrong" so I very rarely do it. It also means you become a meat crayon if you go down which I hear is no fun.
Holy smokes! Corvette burned to the ground, fight breaking out, and multiple cars damaged pretty bad.
EDIT: Link went down :(
Got some pictures of some of the carnage though. Missing is the video of the fight and some super reckless driving/passing.
If the UVIP value is not stated, you will pay HST on whatever you put as purchase price. (Ie. you put $100 you pay $13 in tax)
Just make sure you and seller are on the same page.
Also, writing $10 will work, but you are likely to get hassled a bit. I wouldn't go under $100 personally.
The naked bikes are a ton of fun, the transition from a SS to a naked bike has been an absolute pleasure (R6 to MT09). The added comfort in suspension and riding geometry along with the increased torque makes it infinitely more practical for street use. Can't deny the sex appeal of a SS though...
I also don't condone the kind of riding in that halloween video. Not my scene at all. I think there's a time and place to have some fun. In the city or populated highways, no thanks.
I'd be curious to know as well. We take great pride in the days we put on and after each day send a feedback request form so that we can identify where we can improve. We've received lots of positive feedback, although quite a few suggestions for a second BBQ grill :D
My personal preference is 4-5 riders all of which I know and we are familiar with each others riding style; that's the majority of the riding I do. Once in a while it is fun to have a bigger ride but ~20 people is way too many in my opinion. It becomes a real pain in the neck to try to keep...
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