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  1. M

    Visor cam Toronto Indy - Bike or Car ?

    Almost looks like he's riding a bike, the amount his head tilts in the corners !
  2. M

    60 day wait makes no sense (when taking an M1 course)

    Agree or not ? Like many other things the 'govmt decides for us, the 60 day wait before "transforming an M1 -> M2" makes no sense, if you've taken & passed an M1 exit course (passed the M1->M2 test). Especially when your insurance company is willing to give you an "M2 rate" for a passed...
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    Indepedent instructor / bike rental insurance status I contacted this person last year via email asking how the insurance would work, but they ignored my question. Maybe they ignored the question, because there would be NO...
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    What are the Ontario regulations / qualifications for a motorcycle instructor ?

    Google only returns one hit to a course run by Humber. 1) Is it just having an M license ? 2) Is it just being trained by a school's "internal" instructor program ?
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    Win a Tao Tao DB10 pocket bike at the CNE What is the optimal strategy here ? (All three blocks must leave the platform) One of the barkers told me that aiming at the junction of the bottom and middle blocks on the front right corner is the play...
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    What discretionary powers does an Ontario Minister have ? (MTO expired D.L.)

    For those of you knowledgeable about our legal / government system : What (if any) discretionary powers does an Ontario Minister have to grant an exemption / exception for a particular legislation ? If none, what other legal process, if any, are available? Private Members Bill ? (Remotely...
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    Simon scooter

    At the Toronto Indy this weekend, I saw a scooter with the logo "Simon" on it being used by the pit crews. A quick google search hasn't turned up any info. Are they commercially available to the public ? Or some kind of custom machine made for the race teams ?
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    Two Menaces

    From another motorcycle forum : I live in Florida, where we have two principal menaces: 16-year-olds going 100 and 100-year-olds going 16.
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    What is course "completion" ?

    There are a couple threads here, about student's taking one of the two day M1 exit courses, but not passing the test. For those insurance companies that take the M1-exit course into consideration when determining rates (the list of which is worthy of a thread in itself !), does passing the...
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    M1 Exit test - Is this cause for a fail ? The cameraman's comment "Oh....". Is going past the cones there an automatic fail for the whole test or a "points loss" ?
  11. M

    Aviation "Squiddy" - 172 Stunt Flying over Richmond Hill
  12. M

    "Indoor" biking "w" = gas "s",brakes ... mouse to "lean". Mike

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