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  1. G

    The "Are you thinking of a new bike for 2024?" discussion thread.

    My friend bought a tuono, it's so nice...
  2. G

    Anyone here a cyclist?

    Bafang M620 Zoom zoom downtown
  3. G

    2024 BMW R1300GS Leak

    I want one
  4. G

    Motorcycle Electronic Rider Aids

    Instead of being distracted on your phone you get distracted by all the options you can play with on the bike 🙈 ABS - A for a big bike Traction Control - B (must be able to turn off) Cruise Control - B Quick Shifter - B Hill Assist - C Wheelie Control - C Suspension settings - C
  5. G

    Dundas Street East and Universal Drive

    facebook said he passed away
  6. G

    More than 120,000 federal public servants across Canada, has voted in favour of a strike

    Yeah building on this .. Speaking from my IT / technical projects POV....... If they increased salaries and kept budgets stable so departments had enough people. They could...
  7. G

    2023 BurgeRR Meetup - Wednesdays 7pm Weekly

    It's gonna be cold today ... Edit - I'll be there
  8. G

    More than 120,000 federal public servants across Canada, has voted in favour of a strike

    Does this apply to just the federal government or trickle down all the way to municipalities? I'm genuinly curious, tell me more!!
  9. G

    BMW M1000R

    Practical upgrade from a Z900?
  10. G

    How many crashes before Sunday evening?

    I've finally started riding in downtown Toronto and it's been crazyyyy
  11. G

    More than 120,000 federal public servants across Canada, has voted in favour of a strike

    That's exactly what's happening where I work. Why would a software developer with 3 years work experience (so mid level) stay and make ~$70k. They can leave for the private sector to make $100k+. All the talented folks are leaving and my mentors stink :(
  12. G

    More than 120,000 federal public servants across Canada, has voted in favour of a strike

    It's true, CRA federal job group SP-01 only starts off at $41,658.... And this is what the managers supposedly make...
  13. G

    How many crashes before Sunday evening?

    Crazy out in Toronto
  14. G


    Very good very good. I can't rent anymore, my brain can't handle the instability 0_o
  15. G


    I would be renting for life if I do this 😂
  16. G

    Gas prices

    Add more ethanol
  17. G

    Daily sports car?

    Please don't. But the new WRX are selling so bad they got heavy discounts ...

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