That looks like a well thought out disassemble almost never do you see unscrewed fluid lines and unplugged electrical harnesses its almost like someone has a interest in buying the shell for salvage.
Since the OPP went encrypted the predatory towing guys aren't able to listen to a scanner to get calls. Apparently more than a few of them are using the waze app to check the map for crashes. Seems some folks are trolling the tow operators by tagging a multi vehicle collision in any location...
Like i said for the OCD set. They are however invaluable for small volume chambers like air forks or nitrogen charging shocks. A pair of them on line with a common filler makes it quicker to balance pressure left right of front back on a four wheeler as well.
For the OCD set these valves are a fun toy. Put into a manifold for a zero loss when disconnecting or in multiples on a line for equalizing pressures.
schrader 556
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