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  1. H

    Concrete falling from Gardiner again

    For those who ride on the Lakeshore, perhaps it's time to reconsider the route. It doesn't sound like these are huge pieces falling (not like Autoroute Ville Marie in Montreal) but likely big enough to seriously insure or kill a motorcyclist...
  2. H

    Certifying a bike stored for 2 years

    Hi GTAM peeps, I apologize for the vague title, my dilemma is too long for a thread title. So here's my current issue which I hope your collective wisdom can solve. I just put a down payment on a used bike today. The bike had been in storage for 1.5 years and the current owner has...
  3. H

    Newbie ride on the 26th??

    What's up GTAM newbs, I am planning on heading out of the city towards the Hamilton/Burlington area on Sunday while the weather is supposed to be nice. I live downtown and it would be cool to ride with some other people (newbs or otherwise). I kind of want to see what Snake Road is like and...
  4. H

    Adjusting mirrors on 250r

    Hi ladies and gents, So I just secured myself an '09 250r and took it out for the first ride yesterday. One issue I'm having is that I'm not entirely sure what is the 'proper' way to adjust/align mirrors. I felt it was either showing my what my elbows looked like or too far out wide to see...

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