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  1. F

    Shipping 2 bikes to Phoenix AZ.

    I realize we've been down this road before. Does anybody have any recommendations for shipping a pair of bikes from the GTA to Phoenix AZ? We are looking to do this in Sept.
  2. F

    Please Explain To Me!

    Can someone, anyone explain to me why Harley/fake Harley riders feel compelled to ride side by side or so close together that if something bad happens, it happens to all of them. I just don't get it. Why the big packs too? Is it to maximize the "loud pipes save lives" effect? Are they just...
  3. F

    Be aware!

    I just was on a trip through West Virginia and needed to stop at a motel. It seems that the "fracking" craze has now extended into West Virginia. So what you say, well it seems that every budget motel room in northern West Virginia has been block booked by Halliburton and it's partners.We spoke...

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