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  1. V

    Heel & Toe shifter for 02 Honda 750 Spirit

    Question: Anyone know if there is a Heel & Toe shifter available for a 02 Honda 750 Spirit? Can't find one in the aftermarket sites, haven't checked the local Honda dealership yet!:rolleyes:
  2. V

    Motorcycle Trailer (tow behind bike)

    I'm looking for one to pull behind bike---NOT to put bike on! Anyone have any suggestions as to make, etc. Which one pulls better and what to watch out for!
  3. V

    Motorcycle Speedo" never right!

    :cool: Does this just piss off me, or does anyone else find it annoying that your speedo is usually reading 5km or more faster than your going! (Compared with what a GPS shows you doing) I would tend to trust the GPS! Come on---- its electronic, how hard is it to program in tire rotations per...
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    Elora to Cabot Trail, NS

    Friends and I are leaving near end of June for 2 week ride around Bay of Fundy, Cabot trail in Cape Breton, NS then mabey ferry out to PEI and bridge back- should be fun and a lot of pictures to take! Actually leaving on the 16th of June, hopefully miss the tourist crunch! Dropping into states...

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