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  • sorry to hear that... that's weird

    you only need tools, electrical tape, resistor and the flush mounts.
    Sorry I couldn't ride that day....had to go pick up my doggy!
    Will you be @ the 125 honda event this Sat. the 19th?
    If so I can't wait to see you!!! I'll be at the front gate or registration desk!
    mhm, i'll be there! but on the back... looking for a ridiculous deal on a 600cc for my boyfriend - know of any? :p
    so when do you want to redeem yourself....and about bowling, I felt really bad for you so I went easy on you at bowling, didnt want to beat ya at every sport. lol
    since you posted on my visitors message here is a message.. who kicked whos *** lol
    I'm feeling better although my leg still burns but i'm tough :P Hope to see you soon~
    I thought you guys went to the Lone Star instead? And I don't think any the usual guys I ride with went, so I just went for a ride by myself lol. I also had to get up at 4:30 AM for work, so I couldn't be out late. Maybe next week. Bring your girly bike out for once :p
    stalling is fine...puh..i told a group i just met.. "ok i'll lead the way!" i start the bike it jerks forward ...*STALL*..yea follow me *shakin head and laughing* i felt like a loser who just got off the small bus!
    haha!...well not misleading as the last one "jakubmomo...33?" lol u buy a new bike? u need to check us vaughan riders out or we can come to you. i like riding around with femaLES...too much testostorone in our group . ride safe!
    lol....good handle name! I'm slow, took me a while to pronounce it! I hate mine! now i like mine
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