I guarantee you the PIC on that flight didn't go to idle at 150 feet though, which seems to like be a huge contributing factor in the Toronto crash.
Carrying more airspeed in gusty conditions to ensure a stabilized and safe approach was always taught to me as being preferable to trying to make a "perfect conditions" greaser on the stall horn like you would on a beautiful sunny summer day with the windsock sitting vertical on the pole when the weather is anything but perfect summers day.
Without looking in to landing requirements, I'm reasonably sure a Q400 could come in at a high vref and still have plennnnnttty of runway length at YYZ to stop perfectly safely. Ok, in beta for a few more seconds perhaps, use more brakes, whatever....still safer than flying an perfect weather approach on a non-perfect weather day and ending upside down.
Anyhow, yeah, ASEL PPL here pontificating about CPL stuff, but basics are basics.