Still work to be done, but we're online again


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Rider Training Professional
Hey Folks,

We know there are still lots of broken links that we need to fix and address. But we need a break. We'll work through these over the coming weeks.

I've created a specific thread here in support forum. Please only reply to that thread with issues you come across.
We went through a fairly extensive list of software updates both at the server level, as well as the core forum software itself and many of the related plug-ins, and not all of that went as smooth as was hoped which is why we’re back a day later than was originally planned.

However it was one of those things that needed to be done - pull off the bandaid quickly type thing lol.

We’re on good footings here now at a new Canadian based host that has thus far served us well with many support tickets in the last 48 hours lol.

Just sorting through small stuff now though.

For those who see or experience any oddities, please post them in this thread

Let’s keep the chatter to this thread and strictly bug reports in that thread so that Cutekill and I can keep squashing bugs as they come along.
No bugs to mention, like the speed that posts load, great job GTAM Team - glad I am able to get "home" (this Forum!) now!

Edit: eagerly waiting for the GTAM App
Prior to update, clicking the alert bell sometimes took many seconds and required a refresh to get results. Today it seems fast.
Prior to update, clicking the alert bell sometimes took many seconds and required a refresh to get results. Today it seems fast.

Excellent to hear. I've been very impressed with the new host thus far. Some of the speed increases may also have to do with getting a lot of the sofware updated as well. Either way, it's a positive.
Glad that we moved server and did a bunch of updates. The forum seems to be working much faster then before.
Great job again.
Ok, so I got in to Gta from the back door.....but when I click on the icon on my screen it says page not working are we still down ?
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