Recent content by SunnY S

  1. SunnY S

    Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

    All fools! I store all mine in my mattress.
  2. SunnY S

    Menus no prices ???

    as the old saying goes.... "If you have to ask (the price), ..........
  3. SunnY S

    YYZ Plane Crash

  4. SunnY S

    YYZ Plane Crash

    was just thinking this ealier today, why don't we have the names of the pilots or any other pilot information? much is being said about the heroics of the cabin crew, but nothing on the pilots. EDIT (not confirmed): Kendal Swanson identified as alleged pilot of Delta flight that...
  5. SunnY S

    YYZ Plane Crash

    Experienced pilot with slow motion explanation
  6. SunnY S

    Electric Lawn Mower?

    That means you are moving too fast and the machine cant clear snow fast enough. . Slow it down a gear. The auger will set the pace for you. You won't need chains.
  7. SunnY S

    Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

    Interesting. LG can relive their nightmare as they had the same issue as the Bolt fiasco
  8. SunnY S

    Electric Lawn Mower?

    thats the best you can come up with? simply sharing an experience. yours may differ.
  9. SunnY S

    Electric Lawn Mower?

    I've been impressed with Ego blower now that I've had a few runs with it. Quiet. Light and easy to operate. I'll never go back to a gasser. Takes 2x batteries and they last a lot longer than I expected even under heavy use They charge fast too. There is a reason why they are #1 rated.
  10. SunnY S

    Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

    Honda is building a dedicated ev factory and a battery plant in Alliston. You'll have to wait a bit longer.
  11. SunnY S

    Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

    Currently no electrics in the stable at the moment. But if I was in the market 8 years ago at the time, or 4 years ago, or even today. I'd still only choose a Tesla as of today. With polestar being a very close runner up.
  12. SunnY S

    Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

    I wouldnt touch any korean EV, and especially, especially german.
  13. SunnY S

    Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

    Thats for sure! and the reason why Hybrids make the most sense.
  14. SunnY S

    Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

    sounds like a bit of a hassle to me, esp if you have a family on board. I completed 400km round trip this weekend (up north), filled up the SUV before I left, got to the destination, and back. still a quarter tank of gas left. no charge stop planning, no unnecesary charge...
  15. SunnY S

    MS copilot

    there is my answer, thank you
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