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  • Spidi doesnt make the boot in 37 eu, only 38. Irrellevant though as the smallest I can get is US 8 which is way too big. Sorry. Merry Xmas though.. Take care Dave
    Sorry Dave, I don't like to use the pm, so I leave my inbox full. What's up?
    Good to see you at dinner last night!
    Dave, a quick heads up I think we might be killing each other in the future if we are not carefull, IF you are doing the Coparts and ???? thing we need not step on each others toe's......... anyways, I'm on that 2009 Honda, I need it for racing I just don't need/want you driving the price up and I will do the same for you .......... or not? Ben
    I'm glad you got it done. Ken and I send work back and forth all the time, so no worries here.
    Hi there. Can you let me know the condition of the Pirelli SC2 rear and SC1 fronts that you have for sale (items 33-35 in your list)? Raceworthy? Trackworthy? etc.


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