Recent content by nakkers

  1. nakkers

    Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2024 Edition)

    Work appointment Tuesday had me see the temps at 15C from the cage display and wanting to hustle back for a little romp. Temp started to drop but, took the bike out for a little run along the parkway. Find the rear shock a little jouncy and might need to search for a rebuild or replacement via...
  2. nakkers

    Motorcycle mistakes you only make once... and ones you make all the time...

    Why is it my hoodie strings only come out at the start of a multi hour ride and the tappy tap on my helmet has absolutely no rhythm of enjoyment whatsoever!
  3. nakkers

    Motorcycle mistakes you only make once... and ones you make all the time...

    Is it a mistake when you test the range of the low fuel light? My calculations of fuel consumption and tank capacity has me question manufacturer specs from time to time. Might be one of my faults from owning carburetor machines for several years and not adapting well to FI that don’t have a...
  4. nakkers

    GPS vs Phone

    I had a ram mount for my phone and it worked fine. However, the phone got pretty hot from the sun and shut down to Prevent further damage. Anyone else experience this? Has protective screen and the like. I’m reluctant to use a phone mount again this summer. I like Waze for traffic...
  5. nakkers

    Defective Chick Magnet: Anyone else have this problem?

    They only cause performance enhanced anxiety! 🤪
  6. nakkers

    Defective Chick Magnet: Anyone else have this problem?

    It’s not the bike, it’s the chicken strips that bring the chicks!🐥
  7. nakkers

    Home office

    Same. Think we get to account for a proportion of our home utilities. Electric, gas, water etc. 1000 sq ft house and one room is our office is 10”x10” = 100 sqft or 10% of the house. Office expenses such as printer ink, paper, staples, stamps and shipping, we keep the receipts for the...
  8. nakkers

    BC Roads - What to ride, what to skip?

    Can’t go wrong anywhere in BC really. Heading south from Jasper towards Banff on 93 is nice. If you don’t mind a little detour from Banff, take the 93 towards Radium Hot Springs and keep going to past Fairmont Springs to Lussier Hot Springs. It’s a gravel road off 93 but, it’s a natural hot...
  9. nakkers

    Used bike online listings.

    Definitely experience a lot of time wasters with FB or Kijiji but, it’s still better than the penny saver days. I do try to connect with either seller or buyer via phone call. At least for my generation talking to a person you get a feel for them and vice versa. I had one crazy keyboard...
  10. nakkers


    My road is still covered in ice/snow before getting to anything bare. Still a lot of crap I’d prefer not to run a bike over, tempting as it might be.
  11. nakkers

    Used bike online listings.

    And an 82 CBX I know, unrelated to op
  12. nakkers

    Anyone riding a W800?

    These have always caught my eye. However, I could never find one at a price point that was attractive enough to steer me away from a Triumph. Admittedly I’m not a new bike shopper. Looking at used, there is just more to choose from Triumph over a Kawi for this style of machine. Not...
  13. nakkers

    Who's gonna tell him?

    Agree 100%. This is where I’d support a government to “invest” in infrastructure. It can be on the premise of eco friendly, moving citizens to and from major cities. Start Toronto/Montreal and expand to rest of country. Electromagnetic high speed train running from Vancouver to Halifax...
  14. nakkers


    I’m making room in the garage for a Ural to get through the winter. I actually enjoy the snow but, this year we haven’t experienced mild days to give us a thaw. Maybe not in reality but, couch dreaming of something to ge through the winter blues. Back to the vacation thread!
  15. nakkers

    2025 Rate

    When I picked up my old airhead, I hadn’t been insured for a motorcycle for a few years. Called NFP as they have my Spitfire insured with Hagarty and insured my bikes before. They poked around with a couple of quotes from Aviva and Economical. $1140 for aviva and 1247 for eco. This was...
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